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Strategic Planning

Unwonk your organization’s mission statement


If you’re in HR, chances are you played some role in crafting the most recent version of your organization’s mission statement. But now that the words are plastered on your web site and the plaque is hanging in the lobby, do your employees truly understand your mission? Heck, do you even understand it? Here’s practical advice for keeping it real.

Questions and answers about H1N1 flu and wage-and-hour laws


If H1N1 flu threatens to shut down businesses nationwide, employers are going to need contingency plans to make sure they keep running. Flexible work schedules, temporary shutdowns and telework can all help—but all have unexpected wage-and-hour implications. Here’s guidance from the Department of Labor on how to handle these tricky issues.

Seek employee input to blunt cost-cutting anger


For countless organizations, cost reduction remains an overriding business imperative. But too many employers continue to swing the budget ax without seeking employees’ suggestions for what and where to cut. To cut costs in ways that have the least impact on retention and productivity, take the following steps that experts recommend for including employees in the decision-making:

It’s not hogwash: Prepare now for the coming swine flu pandemic


Federal and state public health agencies are closely monitoring the H1N1 influenza (also known as swine flu) that was first identified this spring. Since then, every state in the U.S. has had confirmed cases of the virus. It’s not time to panic—but it is time for businesses to think strategically, be proactive and be prepared.

Adopt 5 HR best practices to weather the recession


During a recession, every organization seems to face its own unique HR challenges, and that’s leading to creative solutions and new ways of thinking. Here are five best practices that can help comp and benefits pros make changes that contribute to their organizations’ survival.

Employers preparing for swine flu’s second wave


The World Health Organization raised the swine flu alert to its highest level, saying the H1N1 virus has reached global pandemic levels. Your best HR defense is a good offensive plan to handle the logistical and employment law issues …

Ask the experts: How to be a true HR leader


What does it take to jump the fence from your administrative role and be seen as a true leader in the company? The HR Specialist posed the following question to three of the leading HR thought leaders in America today: “What are the actions that a true HR leader takes to demonstrate leadership within an organization?” Their answers pointed to the following six actions:

9 keys: Convince top brass to support next year’s HR budget

Ever had the C-Suite rubber-stamp your HR budget with nary a question or challenge? Neither has Valerie Grubb, a trainer, business coach and operations consultant. When budget time rolls around, she says, your most important job is explaining how HR contributes to the organization’s larger goals.

Unions on the doorstep: EFCA compromise gains momentum in Congress


As Congress returns from its August recess, look for a renewed push to pass a compromise version of the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that’s been dubbed “the most sweeping pro-union legislation in the past 50 years.” The EFCA landscape is changing fast. Keep up with the latest by registering for our Aug. 27 webinar, Beyond EFCA: Preparing for the New Era of Union Organizing.

Preparing your workplace for a possible H1N1 flu pandemic


This spring’s swine flu scare might have been just a warm-up act for a far more serious flu pandemic this fall. If you took steps to prepare your workplace for an outbreak in April, dust off those plans and check them against our list of things to do to make sure your organization keeps running in the coming months.