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Employees dodge bullet, foil retail robbery


When a masked man pulled a gun on employees as they opened an Aaron Rents store in Atlanta and demanded cash, the workers complied, handing over roughly $5,000. But when the robber, Shawn Henderson, asked for more, the employees decided to fight back …

Courts rein in some out-of-bounds employee lawsuits


Sometimes, it seems as if employees and their attorneys will try anything to squeeze money from employers. But now some courts are telling employees, “Enough is enough.”

Reason prevails: No need to warn of obvious hazards


Employers who don’t sign up for the Texas workers’ compensation system can be sued directly by employees who are injured on the job. But that doesn’t mean every workplace accident will result in a damaging lawsuit judgment …

OSHA cites Austin linen firm, proposes $149,100 in fines


OSHA announced in August that it proposed a fine of $149,100 against an Austin linen company for violating federal workplace safety rules. It cited Texas Linen Co. for one willful violation—failing to provide employees with a hepatitis B vaccination within 10 days of being assigned to handle soiled health-care linens …

No liability if psych patient cleared to work


Employers must reinstate employees following FMLA leave if a doctor says they are ready to return to work without restrictions. That’s true even if the serious health condition was a serious psychiatric problem. Fortunately, if the employee goes on to injure another employee, the medical release will protect the employer from negligent supervision claims …

Gov’t employees must use workers’ comp — not courts — to handle injury cases


Good news for public employers: The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has clarified that government employees cannot do an end-run around the workers’ comp system by trying to call their injuries a Constitutional deprivation of due process and suing in federal court …

Employees climb mountains to improve their health


Employees of Lincoln Industries will climb any mountain to improve their health. Seventy-four employees of the Lincoln, Neb.-based, steel-finishing firm climbed a 14,000-foot peak in Colorado as part of the firm’s wellness program.

The cure for workers’ comp fraud: daily injury logs


Employees who hurt themselves at work sometimes wait weeks or even months before filing a workers’ compensation claim. What at first seems like a relatively harmless injury can flare into a debilitating condition months later. Such late claims put business owners at a serious disadvantage.

REDA provides whistle-blower protection during some internal investigations, too


Until recently, it was unclear whether reporting unsafe or illegal working conditions to an internal auditor or another responsible party was “protected activity” under the North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA). Now a federal court has decided that REDA may cover internal reports …

Wellness meets the holiday office party


People traditionally pack on extra pounds during the Thanksgiving-to-Christmas string of holiday parties and office functions. Here’s one key rule for holiday partygoers.