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Family of trampled Wal-Mart worker files suit


The family of Jdimytai Damour, the temporary worker who was trampled to death by shoppers at the Valley Stream, Long Island, Wal-Mart on Black Friday, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the company.

OSHA adds teeth to protective equipment standards


The stakes just got higher for employers that fail to provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) or give employees the necessary safety training. For every PPE and training violation, multiply the OSHA fine by the number of employees affected.

Encourage healthy behavior with wellness reminders


A good wellness program can spur employees to ditch unhealthy behaviors, reducing their health care costs and helping them work more productively. But that’s only if they participate. Here are four ways your organization can bolster participation by improving the way it communicates wellness to employees.

3 ways HR can help employees cut their health care costs


As the economy worsens, rising health costs are driving more employees to cut their own spending on medical care. Here are three ways your organization can keep workers focused on their health even as they skimp on expenses …

Conduct training programs to catch safety problems early


If your organization operates machinery, chances are there is an industrial accident waiting to happen. Consider holding regular safety meetings where the only purpose is to identify potential dangers.

OK to suspend employee who has been arrested if alleged violation would compromise safety


Being arrested for a crime is not the same as being convicted. After all, citizens are innocent until proven guilty, and many arrests never result in convictions. But the presumption of innocence doesn’t mean employers can’t suspend employees who have been charged with crimes—if those alleged crimes may affect their ability to do their jobs.

As economy falls, résumé fraud and in-house theft rise


Raise your skepticism level a few notches—and tell supervisors to do the same. Experts say the sinking economy is leading to desperation from both employees and applicants.

Four companies cited for worker injury


The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) fined four companies roughly $40,000 apiece for an accident last year while the Durant Hotel in Flint was being demolished.

Coal mine strikes back at MSHA


The American Coal Company has filed a lawsuit against the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), claiming that recent inspections at its Galatia Mining Complex violated federal law and MSHA’s own regulations.

3 steps to jumpstart your company’s wellness program


As health insurance costs skyrocket, even as benefits dwindle, so does the trend toward employers setting up wellness programs—71% of U.S. employers offered such programs in 2008. Here’s how to make the case for establishing a wellness program in your workplace, plus initial steps to put the plan in motion.