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It’s not hogwash: Prepare now for the coming swine flu pandemic


Federal and state public health agencies are closely monitoring the H1N1 influenza (also known as swine flu) that was first identified this spring. Since then, every state in the U.S. has had confirmed cases of the virus. It’s not time to panic—but it is time for businesses to think strategically, be proactive and be prepared.

Follow CDC’s employer guidance for flu season


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published new guidelines to help employers prepare for the flu season, which is expected to include rapid spread of the H1N1 influenza (swine flu). The CDC encourages employers to take these steps:

Fatal injuries decline, but workplace suicides rise


Last year, 5,071 Americans died on the job due to injuries. That’s down more than 10% from 2007. One disturbing trend: The number of suicides committed at the workplace jumped 28% last year to 251, the highest number ever recorded in a year.

Preparing your workplace for a possible swine flu pandemic


The United States is facing a swine flu outbreak that has caused the government to declare a public health emergency. Recently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published new guidelines to help employers prepare for flu season and prevent the rapid spread of the H1N1 influenza. Here are the CDC’s suggestions, plus insight on your risks and obligations as an employer …

Don’t drop your guard just because Illinois court dismisses whistle-blower case


Just won an Illinois whistle-blower case? Don’t rest easy yet! If you’re an employer that’s also covered by federal law, brace yourself for a federal whistle-blower lawsuit, too.

In tough cases, safety first: Attempted suicide at work grounds for discharge


Employers don’t have to put up with employees who pose a safety hazard to others—or themselves. While suicidal behavior may indicate an employee is suffering from a serious health condition under the FMLA or a disability under the ADA, it isn’t an excuse for violating safety rules.

Health & safety: Understanding North Carolina’s OSHA law


In 1970, the federal government passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Then in 1973, North Carolina passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act of North Carolina (OSHANC). The North Carolina act has its own administrative and review procedures that aren’t always similar to its federal counterpart.

Pittsburgh’s WWII atomic plant workers can get compensation


The DOL has set up a special fund to compensate employees who worked at the Westinghouse Atomic Power Development Plant in East Pittsburgh from 1942 to 1944. They and their relatives are eligible for payments under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act. Workers at the plant may have been exposed to damaging radiation in the race to build the first atomic bomb.

Disability isn’t a free pass to insubordination; enforce behavior rules with all employees


Some employees with genuine disabilities may think they can use their physical or mental conditions as an excuse to break workplace behavior rules. They can’t. As long as those rules are clearly explained and enforced equally, you don’t have to listen to my-disability-made-me-do-it excuses. You can lower the boom.

Are we liable for injuries to the cleaning crew?


Q. We employ a husband/wife team to clean our office. We pay them on a monthly contract basis and provide a Form 1099 at year-end. Would we be liable for an injury they might suffer while cleaning?