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Study: Front-line workers need mental-health support, aren’t likely to seek it

Despite having more demanding roles tied to a higher degree of stress, front-line workers are less aware of employer mental well-being benefits, are more likely to say they do not have a problem and—even when they acknowledge a problem—are less likely to reach out for help than their non-front-line colleagues, according to a new meQuilibrium study.

$4.35 million lesson: Ensure safety of teenage workers

Many teens as young as 14 work fast-food and retail jobs. They’re often not aware of their rights in the workplace, what constitutes harassment and where they can turn if they are harassed—or worse.

DOL offers mental-health assistance, compliance resources for employers

Worker stress rose to record levels during the pandemic—and has remained high ever since, according to Gallup Poll surveys. In fact, Gallup says 52% of employees report they have experienced “a lot of stress” in the previous 24 hours. Employers are responding, with 63% of HR professionals surveyed by Willis Towers Watson last fall saying they planned to enhance benefits addressing employee mental health in 2024.

OSHA offers safety guidance for working in cold weather

Are your employees prepared to work outdoors in frigid winter weather? OSHA provides pages of online advice to help keep workers safe when temperatures plunge.

White House releases kit to help employers help recovering addicts

The Recovery-Ready Workplace Toolkit: Guidance and Resources for Private and Public Sector Employers aims to reduce the stigma surrounding addiction, encourage treatment and recovery, and help recovering individuals realize that they have employment options.

10 tips for preventing the spread of flu at work

Public health authorities are encouraging many Americans to receive a coronavirus booster vaccine, but they’re urging almost everyone to get a flu shot this fall. For employers, limiting the spread of influenza among workers can be key to maintaining adequate staffing this fall and winter.

77% of employers report greater employee need for mental-health care

An increase in mental-health challenges was cited as the most significant area of prolonged impact resulting from the pandemic. Last year, 44% of employers saw a rise in mental-health concerns, while 77% of employers reported an increase this year, with another 16% anticipating one in the future.

DOL proposes looser rules for employee representation during OSHA inspections

The proposed rule clarifies that employees may authorize an employee, or they may authorize a non-employee third party if the compliance officer determines the third party is reasonably necessary to conduct an effective and thorough inspection.

Train supervisors to spot the signs of drug impairment

Before you require an employee to submit to a drug-screening test, make sure your front-line supervisors really know how to spot the signs of impairment. The key: They must be able show that they have a reasonable suspicion that an employee may be under the influence of drugs. If they can’t, you may have a hard time defending the test if the employee decides to sue you.

OSHA begins injury prevention push for high-risk environments

The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has announced a new National Emphasis Program focusing on preventing workplace hazards in warehouses, processing facilities, distribution centers and high-risk retail establishments like hardware stores and supermarkets.