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COVID-19 considered an OSHA-reportable illness

If an employee comes down with COVID-19 as a result of exposure to the coronavirus at work, employers must report it to OSHA, the agency has announced.

OSHA emphasizes measures to keep manufacturing employees safe

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued an alert listing safety tips employers should follow to help protect manufacturing workers from exposure to coronavirus.

Snapshot: How are we protecting essential workers against coronavirus?

Sanitation and social distancing are the most common tactics for making sure staff who must work on site remain safe.

Do OSHA safety rules apply to employee home offices?

OSHA’s General Duty clause requires you to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards.

Coronavirus & HIPAA: What can you divulge?

Your employees are understandably nervous about health risks at work these days. For those who must be physically present at your workplace, any news of a sick co-worker will spur concern. You must be prepared to answer employees’ questions without violating privacy laws.

DOL offers Q&As addressing coronavirus and FLSA, FMLA

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has released new guidance on how coronavirus and COVID-19 affect compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and the FMLA.

Filthy bathroom, blocked exit cost $300,000

Make sure supervisors tend to basics like keeping bathrooms clean and exits free of clutter that blocks doors. OSHA has recently stepped up inspections looking for common workplace hazards like those. For repeat offenders, OSHA penalties can quickly escalate.

EEOC issues guidance on coronavirus & ADA

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has already issued extensive guidance for employers on how to handle the coronavirus outbreak. The EEOC has issued its own guidance for employers grappling with how to deal with a potential pandemic while also complying with the ADA.

Active shooter: Prepare for workplace attack

Employers must anticipate the possibility that an employee will go on the attack. Fortunately, there are resources available that may prevent an attack or stop one in progress.

CDC offers advice for limiting coronavirus exposure at work

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says employers have an important role to play in managing the novel coronavirus outbreak that has sickened increasing numbers of Americans. The CDC offers this advice for preventing COVID-19, which is caused by the coronavirus.