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Policies / Handbooks

Setting sound policies, following processes to a ‘T’ increase odds of winning in court


Employers that follow their own disciplinary process—even in cases involving difficult employees—benefit if those employees sue. When courts see a reasonable disciplinary policy that is applied evenhandedly, they rarely second-guess an employer’s decision to fire an employee.

Disneyland goes out of way to accommodate Muslim dress


It took a complaint to the EEOC, but Disneyland will allow a Muslim woman employed as an intern there to wear an Islamic head scarf. Disney worked with CAIR to come up with a clothing option that met the woman’s religious requirements and still satisfied the Walt Disney Company’s uniform guidelines.

Can workers use FMLA and sick leave back-to-back?

Q. One of our employees thinks she will need about five months off for medical treatment. She wants to use her accumulated vacation and sick time and then go on FMLA leave. Do I have to allow this?

UBS amends its much-mocked 44-page dress code

Swiss banking firm UBS attracted worldwide ridicule last month after media attention focused on its super-specific 44-page dress code. The company now says it will revise its standards with a pared-down list of priorities focused on “what is important to us.”

Office romance: Don’t ban it; manage it


Valentine’s Day may have come and gone, but love might still linger in the air at your workplace. If so, watch out! When office romances sour, scorned lovers often turn to the courts to allege that a former lover was a sexual harasser. Here are three tips to help make sure Cupid’s arrow doesn’t harm your organization.

Employee out on FMLA leave? You can still insist on calling in


Some employees think that once they are approved for FMLA leave, they don’t have to follow the same rules as other employees when they’re away from work. That’s not necessarily true. In fact, employers are free to create call-in policies that require employees who are going to be absent to phone daily—and they can include employees on FMLA leave in that policy.

Develop, implement and publicize policies that encourage employees to report harassment


Here’s a big benefit to having a strong anti-harassment policy: The policy’s very existence helps protect employers against false claims. That’s because employees won’t be able to say they endured years of harassment and didn’t know how or to whom to report it. The key is making sure employees know about your policy.

NLRB settlement suggests employee Facebook posts are protected

The National Labor Relations Board has settled with a company that fired an employee for posting negative comments about a boss on her Facebook page. The case seems to signal that employee communications that happen via social media constitute protected activity under federal law. Does your social media policy go too far?

In discharge meeting, follow 2-and-1 rule: Two company reps, one reason for termination


Unfortunately, lawsuits often come down to one person’s word against another’s. That’s powerful incentive for a company rule requiring at least two managers to participate in a termination meeting. Also, decide ahead of time the exact rationale for the discharge and then stick with that reason.

Can we use a lottery to set our vacation schedule?

Q. I know it’s early, but last summer we had lots of conflicts over who could take vacation during certain weeks, with several people demanding time off around holidays. I want to use a lottery system to allocate vacation time. Is this legal?