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Policies / Handbooks

Should you ban bosses from ‘friending’ staff?

With more than 500 million Facebook users in the world—and each one having an average of 130 “friends”—workplaces are confronting the issue of online linking between supervisors and subordinates. Given the risks, many employers have chosen to adopt social media policies that set clear guidelines for employees and managers—including prohibitions or limitations on “friending” between bosses and their employees.

Address domestic violence with benefits


It might feel uncomfortable to try to help an employee who might be a victim of domestic violence. But you could be saving lives if you encourage supervisors and co-workers to do so. A proactive decision to provide support to domestic-violence victims not only protects them—it also protects companies’ bottom lines.

NLRB ruling revisited: Can employees really trash you on Facebook?

Don’t read too much into the NLRB’s recent “Facebook rant” ruling. Despite much employer hand-wringing, the decision didn’t give employees a free pass on social media posts. They still don’t have license to defame, disparage or otherwise trash their company, management, product or co-workers. Here’s why.

Pattern of strict enforcement helps win harassment cases

A strictly enforced anti-harassment policy can counter an employee’s argument that she didn’t use the system because she believed it would not help.

11,000 join ranks of federal teleworkers

About 11,000 more federal government workers telecommuted in 2009 than in 2008, the federal Office of Personnel Management reports. The increase brings the number of government employees who work at home or at telework centers at least part of the time to 5.72% of the federal workforce.

Under a PTO plan, how should we handle payouts when employees quit or get fired?

Q. Our company is considering replacing sick leave and vacation benefits with a paid time off (PTO) system. Under a PTO plan, how should we handle it when an employee resigns or is terminated?

Push is on for space and time for breastfeeding at work

New moms who want to continue breastfeeding after they return to work have powerful supporters behind them—and a new law that says their employers have to give them time, privacy and space to pump. Here are six factors to consider if your organization is planning to set up space for breastfeeding moms:

Firing meetings: Let workers talk; ‘zip it’ doesn’t work


You’ve had it up to here. Now it’s time to fire a poorly performing employee. As you’re about to do so, the employee wants to tell you something. But you tell her to “zip it.” Nothing she says will change your mind. As this case shows, you better zip it yourself and listen. Here’s why …

Hug or a handshake: Which does your workplace embrace?

Like people, some workplaces welcome huggers. Others prefer a smartly extended right hand. “To hug or not to hug” is the question … and here’s the answer.

Kasich takes gender identity out of Ohio’s bias policy

Already under political assault for appointing an all-white cabinet, Gov. John Kasich raised hackles in Ohio’s gay community when he eliminated gender identity as a protected class for state workers.