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Policies / Handbooks

When can we insist on a substance-abuse test?


Q. A couple of weeks ago, an employee came into work smelling like alcohol. His supervisor later reported that day that the employee “acted drunk” in a staff meeting. Yesterday, one of the same employee’s co-workers indicated that the employee came back from lunch “smelling like marijuana.” Can these reports justify requiring the employee to undergo a drug or alcohol test?

Employees bringing their smartphones to work? 6 ways to manage the legal risks

Employees’ use of personal smartphones (and tablets such as iPads) raises risks not present when employees use company-issued de­­vices. Advice: Take these six steps before allowing employees to use their personal e-tools for work.

A ‘sledgehammer’ to social media policies

Even if you included a new social media policy in your employee handbook recently, it’s time to review it again. The NLRB issued a report recently that called into question the legality of some of the wording employers commonly use in their social media policies.

How far must we go to accommodate employees’ unusual religious beliefs?

Q. We have an employee who claims to be a witch. She contends that witchcraft is her religion and has asked for certain holidays off. Are we required to accommodate this employee’s request?

7 ways to limit your social media liability


Online social networking sites provide a variety of benefits to organizations. They can help you collect industry-based knowledge, reach new customers, build your brand and publicize your company’s name and reputation. But those benefits come with their fair share of legal risks. You need a comprehensive social media policy to guide employees on your expectations about their online behavior.

When employees are bilingual, it’s OK to require use of English in the workplace


Employers can typically require em­­ployees to speak English when interacting with customers and clients, as long as the employer enforces the rule across the board. What you can’t do: Allow some employees to use one foreign language but punish others for using a third language.

Encouraging healthy staff: How far can we go?

Q. Some of our employees are quite heavy. We’re concerned they may become a liability at insurance renewal time because we suspect they have health problems (they also smoke and eat junk food). Can we ban smoking near our premises and make the workplace a snack-free zone?

Stop overtime abuse with 4 steps, smart policy


Do your employees understand exactly when they’re allowed to work overtime? Lax overtime rules are wasting billions of dollars at U.S. organizations and triggering more FLSA lawsuits than ever before. Here are four ways to stop unauthorized OT.

Ensure email policy spells out access rules

When it comes to securing em­­ployees’ email accounts against internal hacking, leave nothing to chance. Make it clear that you forbid employees from illegitimately accessing co-workers’ email—and that it’s grounds for dismissal.

Real-life HR: How to respond to a garnishment order

Bankruptcies and foreclosures have been making the news for the past four years. But there’s a quieter side effect of the down economy that’s fraught with traps for unwary employers: The concurrent and growing trend of court-ordered or government-issued wage garnishments. Here are the basics you need to know if you receive an order to garnish an employee’s wages.