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Policies / Handbooks

Fight in-house fraud by knowing who–and what–to watch for

There are plenty of ways for organizations to lose money—bad business decisions, tough competition, fickle markets. But one of the most insidious fiscal perils: employees who steal. Here’s a sketch of whom and what to watch out for in your workplace.

‘Textual’ harassment? OMG! Develop policy B4 you face lawsuit

One of the most dangerous smartphone functions (from the employer perspective) is also one of the simplest: sending text messages. Considering the rise in harassment claims based on texts, employers should develop policies addressing textual harassment in the workplace.

Track discipline in a way that allows easy recall

You will never know which employee will sue or for what reason. That’s a good reason to carefully track all discipline and make the records easy to access.

Don’t bury arbitration agreement in handbook

The Court of Appeal of California has ruled that an arbitration agreement hidden deep in the recesses of an employee handbook can’t be en­­forced. The provision didn’t stand out, didn’t require a signature and could be changed by the employer at any time. The court said that rendered it unconscionable.

Got a hugger on your hands? He spells trouble

Having a good sexual harassment policy in place doesn’t mean much if your supervisors ignore it. Take, for example, someone who is what we might call “touchy feely.”

Get up! 10 ways to cure ‘sitting disease’

A number of recent studies confirm that working makes people fat, especially if their jobs call for them to sit for long periods, skip meals or deal with stress. Here are 10 ways your organization can help its employees stave off what scientists refer to as “sitting disease.”

Stronger role for HR urged in Penn State abuse report

Last month’s official report detailing the institutional breakdown at Penn State regarding the Jerry Sandusky case noted that the university’s HR department was also left in the dark about the child-abuse allegations. Why wasn’t HR notified?

Use new employee FMLA guide as chance to review your policies

Publication of the new DOL guide to employees’ FMLA rights signals an opportunity for employers to take a fresh look at this sometimes confusing law. It’s a golden opportunity to remind employees how their company leave policies mesh with the FMLA.

How should we craft a policy allowing us to refuse to consider unsolicited résumés?

Q. Our company doesn’t want to consider applicants who send in unsolicited résumés. We are trying to come up with a legally sound definition for “applicant” so we can write an official policy. Any suggestions?

Too much time online can be misconduct

If you limit personal use of electronics and fire an employee for violating that rule, he can’t get unemployment benefits. Excess online time is misconduct under those circumstances.