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Policies / Handbooks

Don’t let handbook create a contract

Here are two easy steps to prevent your employee handbook from turning into a binding contract.

Can we ban e-cigarettes?

Q. Over the past few months I have been seeing more and more electronic cigarettes in our city. Last week, an employee walked into our office while smoking an electronic cigarette. I’d like to ban their use in our offices. I’ve heard that e-cigarettes are just as addictive as the real things.

What should we do about email still on former employee’s company-issued cellphone?

Q. We give our employees company phones. An employee recently resigned and turned in her phone to her supervisor, in compliance with our technology policy. A week later, it came to my attention that the supervisor had not deleted the departed employee’s email that was still on the phone. A new hire who had been issued the phone could read those messages. What should we do?

Weigh pros, cons of surveillance in wired workplace

As technology becomes more and more intrusive, today’s employees naturally wonder how far their employers can pry. Carefully weigh whether any form of employee surveillance is right for your organization. 

Unclear rules could warrant unemployment benefits

Someone who is fired for breaking a workplace rule isn’t entitled to unemployment benefits. That’s because rule-breaking is misconduct. But if the rule is unclear, all bets are off.

Immediately apply your policy to stop harassment before it escalates

An effective sexual harassment policy that includes prompt investigation of any complaints of physical touching is key to prevailing in a sexual harassment lawsuit. What should your policy include?

Is it illegal to tell male employees to shave?

Private employers have the right to set their own dress and grooming codes. That can include setting limits on employees’ facial hair unless an employee can’t shave because of a documented medical condition or due to a religious requirement.

Online reviews: Warn workers to avoid ‘Astroturfing’

Make sure employees know that it’s not just bad form to write fake customer reviews about your company online—it could be illegal. New York’s attorney general last month cracked down on 19 companies that created deceptive reviews (a process called “Astroturfing”).

5 steps you must take to prevent and address sexual harassment

In 2012, the EEOC received 7,571 complaints from workers alleging they were sexual harassment victims (17.8% of whom were men) and recovered $43 million for har­­assed workers. Don’t let your organization add to those statistics. Take these steps to prevent and address sexual harassment.

Vague or nonexistent harassment policy? In same-sex cases, prepare to pay

Judges don’t have much patience with employers that don’t understand their obligations to prevent or stop sexual harassment, including same-sex harassment.