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Policies / Handbooks

Deflecting Cupid’s arrow in an environment shaped by #MeToo

With Valentine’s Day on the way, now is an excellent time to reexamine sexual harassment policies.

Want to stay out of court? Here are 10 basic rules HR must follow

While lawsuits may be practically inevitable in today’s litigious society, losing them is not. Use the following 10 rules to prevent the most common employment-related lawsuits—or at least increase your chances of winning them.

Workplace lexicon: Head shunting

“Head shunting” defined: Secretly hiring a head hunter to woo an ineffective employee and shepherd him or her through a job search culminating in placement elsewhere.

Wrap up 2013 right: What to check in your annual HR policy review

Now’s a good time to review employment policies and practices in light of the government’s aggressive efforts to enforce employment laws. To ensure compliance, review your policies and practices in all these areas.

Use formal hiring and promotion process to protect against discrimination suits

Job-seekers who know how to apply for open positions can’t claim discrimination unless they can also show they followed the process. At the same time, a standard process lets employers track applications and easily show a judge why someone didn’t get the job she sought.

PTO banks take off

Paid time off—vacation, sick and personal days all in one plan—is now the most common form of paid leave.

Factor disabled employee needs into planning for natural disasters

When disaster strikes, smart employers have contingency plans in place to keep the business running. Such plans need to account for the kind of emergency facing the organization—and how it will handle the needs of disabled employees during and after the disaster.

Best defense against bias suit: consistency

You simply never know which employee will sue for discrimination. Your best defense is to consistently treat all employees equally. Make all your workers follow all your workplace rules all the time.

Set policies to rein in 4 holiday headaches

The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day typically finds employees distracted, absent or doing things that require extra HR scrutiny. Head off problems by anticipating them and clarifying your policies.

Trade Secrets


HR Law 101: There are two important reasons you need to protect your company’s trade secrets: (1) You make it less likely that confidential information will be misappropriated. (2) It will be easier for you to seek relief in court if your secrets are stolen …