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Policies / Handbooks

Drug tests: What to do about ‘watered down’ results?

Q. We have a couple of workers who keep getting “negative dilute” results of drug tests. Our policy is to not accept the result and to retest. Can we require the retest to be an observed collection?

Politics at work: 3 tips to limit election-year distractions

Some employers try to quell this distraction by putting a gag order on political speech. That’s not a smart move. No-political-talk policies are almost impossible to enforce, plus they can choke morale and could expose you to a lawsuit.

Bring Your Own Device policies: Risks and rewards

Employees are increasingly using their personal electronic devices—laptops, smartphones and tablets—for work purposes. The trend, dubbed “Bring Your Own Device” or “BYOD,” has redefined what it means to be “at work.” Employers jumping on the BYOD bandwagon face several challenges.

6 steps for setting up an in-house dispute resolution system

An alternative dispute-resolution program lets you identify and address problems while they’re still manageable and before they land in court. Here’s a six-step process for establishing an ADR program.

The latest from the NLRB on employment-at-will

The news from the Board is generally pro-employer, but it’s time to carefully review your handbooks, applications and offer letters.

How far can I go to ban guns at work?

Q. As the owner of a Texas company, I want to institute a policy that strictly forbids employees from bringing guns to work—both into the office building and in the parking lot outside. Can I legally draft such a policy?

Policies can protect you from liability for employee torts

Employers occasionally become dejected over the prospects of defending against tort and other civil claims in state courts. However, a recent case out of Houston reaffirms that employers can and do win these kinds of cases—if they have implemented the appropriate policies.

Can we ban employee appointments during work?

Q. I have an employee who is constantly scheduling appointments during work hours and having to leave. In the past two weeks alone, she missed 27 hours due to appointments. If we cannot restrict appointments outside of work, can I require documentation of appointments?

NLRB: Ban on ‘inappropriate’ conduct is illegal


You read that right. Soon you will recall the good ol’ days when employee handbooks could prohibit employees from having a “discourteous or inappropriate attitude or behavior.” The NLRB in April ruled that such language was too broad and could possibly deter employees from discussing their pay or working conditions with colleagues.

Setting a smart and legally sound attendance policy: 8 do’s and don’ts

You can avoid legally dangerous disciplinary mistakes by ensuring that supervisors understand the following do’s and don’ts.