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Policies / Handbooks

3 factors to consider when employees use texts for business

They’ve become an important medium for getting work done, so you need a policy that covers how they’re used.

Can I tell employees they better not vote for a particular political candidate?


Q. With the upcoming presidential elections, conversation among our employees has increased concerning the candidates and their positions on certain issues. I overheard an employee supporting Donald Trump, a candidate who goes against all of my core beliefs. Can I tell him that any employee of mine cannot support Trump?

Military leads way on family-friendly policies

Serving in the military and raising a family haven’t always been compatible, especially during times of international conflict and repeat deployments overseas.

Do you have an e-cigarette policy?

How to tackle “vaping” at work.

Cupid among the cubicles: 37% have dated co-workers

What do Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Brad Pitt have in common? All met their significant others at work. They’re also far from alone.

Tie HR to business strategy with the right mission statement

HR mission statements can inspire the workplace and increase support from senior management and executive leadership.

Where pot is legal, what happens when employees test positive?

In states where recreational and medical marijuana is legal, 41% of employers have a zero-tolerance policy for anyone who tests positive.

Signs you have a drug problem at work

When drugs don’t seem to present a problem within a company, it’s easy to develop a cavalier attitude about them. That’s not smart.

Can we have a policy prohibiting employees from discussing how much they earn?

Q. We have always had a policy prohibiting employees from discussing their salary or wages with co-workers. It can cause discord among employees and possibly impact morale. Is it unlawful for Minnesota employers to have such a policy?

Feds target no-fault attendance

No-fault attendance programs were designed to be completely objective, the idea being that all absences and therefore all workers are treated equally. But the FMLA and ADA require employers to know why an employee was absent, so the “hear no evil” approach can’t work.