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Policies / Handbooks

Alcohol in accounting: Can we insist on testing for possibly intoxicated employee?

Q. We have an employee in our accounting department who, a few times over the past month, has come to work smelling of alcohol and displaying signs of intoxication. For several years this employee was a solid performer, but lately she’s missing deadlines and has been somewhat belligerent to co-workers. We are worried about her health, of course, but also her performance and any potential liability related to her conduct while she’s under the influence. When asked by co-workers, this employee has denied having a drinking problem or being intoxicated at work. Since she’s in denial, can we ask her to submit to a test for alcohol the next time she appears to be intoxicated at work?

Why employees steal, and how to handle it

It can be as small as office supplies or as big as an embezzlement scheme, but your employees are likely stealing something from your company.

5 ways to minimize the adverse impact of off-duty conduct

Attempts to regulate workers’ activities during off-duty hours pit employers, who want highly productive workers (and low insurance costs), against employees, who claim any restrictions amount to “lifestyle discrimination.”

Job search during work hours? Shut it down

It happens all the time: A supervisor gets wind that one of her employees is looking for a new job—on company time!

Online shopping doesn’t bar unemployment comp

Are your workplace rules on Internet usage vague? Then firing an employee for shopping online or other wasted time may not bar unemployment compensation benefits in Pennsylvania.

Back up subjective performance-review assessments with concrete examples

When it comes to evaluating employees, supervisors and managers sometimes rely too much on subjective measures. Some employees allege that such generalizations are merely a way to cover up bias.

Are your records really ready for inspection?

“I have been a part of many information governance/records management horror stories,” says Braden Perry, litigation, regulatory and government investigations attorney with Kennyhertz Perry, LLC. We asked him for some warning signs that you’re not prepared for your system to be examined at close range.

3 factors to consider when employees use texts for business

They’ve become an important medium for getting work done, so you need a policy that covers how they’re used.

Can I tell employees they better not vote for a particular political candidate?


Q. With the upcoming presidential elections, conversation among our employees has increased concerning the candidates and their positions on certain issues. I overheard an employee supporting Donald Trump, a candidate who goes against all of my core beliefs. Can I tell him that any employee of mine cannot support Trump?

Military leads way on family-friendly policies

Serving in the military and raising a family haven’t always been compatible, especially during times of international conflict and repeat deployments overseas.