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Policies / Handbooks

Return to work can speed recovery for injured employee

Here’s more reason to get a solid return-to-work program in place: A new report says patients have better outcomes with their injuries if they are involved in their recovery and return …

Employees online? Take a byte out of your liability

No employer wants to explain to a court why jokes like “Why beer is better than women” are bouncing around the company e-mail system. But that’s the position more companies are …

No need to give ‘bonus points’ to disabled applicants

Nancy Houser suffered a severe elbow injury at work, making it impossible to use that arm for lifting in her warehouse job. The company transferred her to greeting visitors …

Setting a ‘no restrictions’ policy could open you to ADA lawsuits

Rhonda Otting took leave to control her epilepsy through surgery and medication. When the doctor released her to return to work as a J.C. Penney sales associate …

Avoid overly specific ‘grounds for firing’ list

A United Parcel Service (UPS) worker broke into a profane tirade at two supervisors in a dispute over his check. When he refused to stop, the HR director dismissed him on …

Crime coverage may pay for itself

Business consultants are increasingly advising clients to buy crime insurance. Employees are more likely to rip you off, and technology is …

How to breeze through a surprise OSHA inspection

Don’t sit around watching the door in fear of an inspection by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Knowing your rights and how to handle the inspector …

Title VII’s silence on gay bias doesn’t give OK to discriminate

It would be an understatement to describe the working relationship between nurse Gary Hamner and the hospital’s medical director as poor. Hamner, a homosexual, says …

Employee doesn’t need to exhaust complaint channels to file suit

After complaining to her store manager several times about harassment, Gabrielle Breda decided to resign and sue rather than take her complaint up the chain of command. Company policy …

Prepare for OSHA visit when labor’s unhappy

Pay extra attention to safety when your company is going through labor unrest. Reason: A new study shows that the likelihood of a federal safety inspection …