When establishing or changing your Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy, make sure you include it in your employee handbook. Don’t rely on references to the policy outside the book, and don’t attach or staple the policy separately.
Issue: Repetitive-stress injuries didn’t disappear just because OSHA’s mandatory rules were repealed. Risk: Ergonomic injuries hurt productivity and, surprisingly, you’re still vulnerable to government penalties …
You know to investigate harassment complaints when they land on your desk. But what if the complaining employee shows a lack of interest in her initial complaint, …
If your company has policies on job transfers or resignations (and it should), make sure they are clearly articulated and strictly followed by managers …
It seems crazy that your employees can use their allotted 12 weeks of annual job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to work at a second job. But …
Don’t be leery of requiring employees to sign mandatory arbitration agreements. As the following ruling shows, even if a court disagrees with part of your agreement, …
In spite of growing scrutiny from courts and regulators, most employers still do a poor job of managing e-mail business records and preparing for the likelihood …
THE LAW. You have the right to demand a drug-free workplace, but employees also have reasonable rights to privacy. That’s why drug testing and substance abuse prevention …
Issue: “Intraplacement” involves the entire company in identifying job-growth opportunities for ready employees. Benefits: Boost retention, cut recruiting costs …
Issue: Unless your policy prevents it, employees can work a second job while out on medical-related FMLA leave. Risk: Reduced productivity as employees “work” the system. Action: To prevent …