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Policies / Handbooks

‘Free speech’ no protection to workers

The next time an employee argues that he has a First Amendment right to say whatever he wants at work, wear a T-shirt with a controversial message or display …

Take extra anti-harassment steps with young staff

Warning: Courts may view especially young workers differently when it comes to the issue of harassment, affording them more leeway when they fail …

Don’t change benefits without union’s knowledge.

For more than 30 years, a company sponsored blood donation drives twice a year. Employees could participate during paid work time. But when the com-pany changed its policy, …

Big settlement over dress code will spark scrutiny of uniform law

Avoid dress-code rules that have no clear business reason or health and safety reason, plus check with your state labor department to see if your state has a pay-for-uniform …

Encouraging diversity: Lessons from Supreme Court’s affirmative-action rulings

The U.S. Supreme Court’s pivotal rulings in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases this summer provide some direction on how far employers can go …

How to close the door on invasion-of-privacy lawsuits

Most companies don’t spend a lot of time worrying about their employees’ privacy rights. But they should. Consider this: Privacy lawsuits jumped 300 percent …

Different vacation policies are legal if done fairly


Q. We are rewriting our vacation pay policy. Currently, we have two categories of hourly employees. Can we offer 10 vacation days after two years to some employees and five days for the same period to other employees? Can we offer different benefits to salaried and hourly employees? —S.P., Washington

Take extra anti-harassment steps with younger workers

Issue: Courts may hold your harassment-prevention efforts to a higher standard when young workers are involved.
Risk: Big court judgments, ugly PR and damaged morale …

If workers’ ‘free speech’ threatens others, you can ban it

Issue: Employees wrongly believe the First Amendment protects their comments at work.
Risk: You don’t need to put up with employees who claim their harassment or bias is just “free …

Launching an alternative dispute-resolution program: 6 steps

So, you’re thinking about creating a program to help settle employee conflicts in-house. That’s smart; a successful alternative dispute-resolution (ADR) program lets you identify and address problems while they’re still manageable …