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Policies / Handbooks

What to include in a camera-Phone policy


Q. I’m looking to create a company policy regarding cell phones with photographic capabilities. Any suggestions? —L.B., California

Thwart FMLA abuse with periodic calls, check-ins

Issue: Many HR professionals believe they’ve unwittingly approved FMLA leave for fraudulent reasons.
Benefit: A new court ruling makes it easier for you to check up on employees on FMLA …

Mandatory EAP referral is legal


Q. In a previous issue of HR Specialist, you said that employers can’t force employees to visit a psychologist. Our Internet policy says that if we find employees accessing pornographic Web sites, they’ll receive a three-day suspension without pay and a mandatory referral to an EAP counselor. Can we require this? —A.C., Maryland

Combat tardiness with progressive discipline

Q. Some of our assistants are good employees, but they’re constantly late. What can we do to get them to come to work on time? —A.A., Virginia

Leave-deduction option isn’t enough to destroy exempt status

One of the biggest pitfalls with the Fair Labor Standards Act is the salary trap. FLSA entitles exempt employees to their entire regular salary in any week they are ready, willing …

If supervisors harass, keep your defense alive with quick action

In sexual harassment cases, your worst-case scenario is harassment by a supervisor. That’s because sex harassment by a supervisor resulting in a tangible employment action (firing, demotion, pay cut, etc.) is …

Prevent age-based harassment: No ‘old guy’ jokes

Even among employers that serve as models for sexual harassment and race-discrimination training, one type of bias often tolerated is age-based discrimination and harassment, says Atlanta-based employment-law attorney Douglas Towns.

Apply dress code evenly among sexes, within reason


Q. Our company manufactures plastic tubing. Our general manager is requesting that men not wear sleeveless or tank-top shirts, due to sweat and appearance. He said women can wear them as long as their shirts are seamed. Is this legal? —C.M., Texas

Retain benefit eligibility after FMLA leave


Q. We understand that employees on FMLA leave don’t lose investment toward retirement plans. Leave time is counted as work time. But our policy says that if employees are out for more than 30 days, their anniversary dates will change. Accrued paid-time off and vacation time will be based on the new anniversary date. Can we do this? —K.A., Connecticut

Break into vacation-Leave bank if sick leave is empty


Q. If an employee is out sick but has already used up her sick-leave hours, can we legally subtract from her vacation time instead? —K.P., Michigan