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Policies / Handbooks

Screen teleworkers before sending sensitive data home


Allowing employees to work from home can be a boon for employers trying to increase productivity and keep talented employees from leaving for more flexible jobs. But this flexibility can present an increased risk of fraud, theft and legal action if you keep personal information about employees or customers on your computer network …

Web site helps managers evaluate telework requests


The key to making telework and flextime part of an organization’s everyday business practices is making sure managers understand them, says Kathryn Oliver Kadilak, work/life program manager at the U.S. Department of Justice …

Employee feedback helps revamp parental leave policy


When Rob Keeling, director of diversity at Capital One, wanted to improve the McLean, Va.-based credit-card company’s parental leave policy, he didn’t have to look far for suggestions. The company’s female employees, through their employee network, told him what to do …

Mandatory sabbaticals help retain call center staff


Employees who celebrate their sixth anniversary at ServiceNet, a Jeffersonville, Ind., warranty service company, don’t get lapel pins to commemorate the occasion. They receive alarm clocks. Each clock counts down the year until the company boots the employee out the door … for a mandatory paid sabbatical …

Insubordination policy trumps progressive discipline


Many employers who have progressive discipline and no-fault attendance programs believe they must stick to progressive discipline for every attendance infraction. But that’s not so …

Go After ‘In-House Hackers’ Using State and Federal Law


The so-called paperless society ushered in by the computer age may mean fewer file cabinets and storage rooms full of paper records, but storing company records on hard drives has its own set of problems …

No federal gay-Bias law, but take note of state, Local rules


While Title VII makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, age or disability, no federal law explicitly says that you can’t fire someone just because the person is gay …

Domestic violence and employees: Your role, Responsibility


Domestic violence isn’t always domestic. It comes to the workplace as lost productivity, excessive absenteeism, employee depression, increased health costs and, in the worst-case scenario, as violence at the workplace …

Put a lid on loud talking in the workplace


Thirty-two percent of people surveyed by Harris Interactive said "people talking loudly at work" is one of their biggest pet peeves …

Your workplace: Is it ready for an emergency?


While 88 percent of smaller businesses agree that it makes sense to have a business-continuity plan, only 39 percent actually have one, according to a new Ad Council survey …