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Policies / Handbooks

Now more than ever, keep dress code neutral

With a potentially polarizing election looming, workplace conflict over politics seems almost inevitable. Employers should avoid fueling those battles. One flashpoint to beware: Dress codes that prescribe what employees must or must not wear at work, especially concerning political expression.

Google extends work-from-home, others could follow

News that Google will allow most employees to work from home for 12 more months has other employers reconsidering their own plans to reopen workplaces this year.

More employers mandate masks to cut risks

Sure, those face masks have been proven to help cut the spread of coronavirus. But employment lawyers say there’s another good reason to mandate them in the workplace for staff and customers—masks can reduce the spread of lawsuits, too.

Even after reopening, prepare for some staff to remain remote

Redesigning workplaces for social distancing, virus containment and general safety is proving daunting and expensive. No wonder some employers are rethinking whether to reopen.

4 steps to stamp out anti-LGBT discrimination

Priority No. 1: Make sure everyone in your organization understands that you will not tolerate any form of anti-gay discrimination or harassment.

NLRB OKs limited bans on cell phones at work

The National Labor Relations Board has upheld an employer policy requiring employees to stow personal cell phones in lockers because safety concerns on the factory floor outweigh the “relatively slight risk” that the policy would interfere with employees’ right to engage in activity protected by the National Labor Relations Act.

Back-to-work checklist: Steps to consider in emerging from shutdown

As workplaces reopen after the coronavirus shutdown, here is a checklist from The Conference Board to help your HR department plan these important safety, operational and legal decisions.

Taking temperatures: 6 tips to do it legally

The EEOC has said checking temperatures during a pandemic is appropriate. Even so, there are legal risks. Follow these tips from the Foley & Lardner law firm.

Return to work: Revise policies, procedures

As states slowly lift their shutdown orders, employees are returning to the workplace. But you can’t just swing your doors open. Every process in your organization needs to be rethought, because each step carries potential safety and legal risks.

Formalize remote work with telecommuting guidelines and agreement

Now is the time to start bringing order to the telecommuting process. Here are some guidelines, including a sample telecommuting agreement.