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Policies / Handbooks

Is the term ‘probationary period’ dangerous?

Q. Our existing employee handbook includes a probationary period for newly hired employees. In revising the handbook, should we consider omitting this provision due to the possibility that we could be altering the at-will employment relationship?

And you thought the prisoners were crabby before

The Michigan State Department of Corrections has announced plans to ban smoking by prisoners and staff early next year. About 70% of the state’s more than 50,000 prisoners are smokers …

Top 5 mistakes employers make and how to avoid them


Poor communications with employees isn’t just bad for business. It also creates a work environment that’s ripe for legal trouble. Stay out of the courtroom by taking time to explain your actions and make the workplace seem rational to employees. Here’s how.

Consistently applied blanket-Leave limits don’t violate FMLA

If you’re having absenteeism problems, consider instituting a policy that says an employee who exceeds an absence threshold will be automatically terminated—regardless of the reason. Such a policy can cover absences relating to personal or vacation leave, time off covered by workers’ comp and even FMLA leave …

Computer policy should allow some personal use

You can punish employees who abuse computer use as long as you do so consistently. But recognize that some abuses are obviously worse than others. Someone who spends company time bidding on eBay may be due a reprimand. But someone who forwards risqué or racist jokes should receive more severe discipline, up to and including discharge …

Discharged for moonlighting? Former employee may not be eligible for unemployment

If you discharge an employee who has been moonlighting, and he or she continues to work on the side, the moonlighting income may make the former employee ineligible for unemployment compensation …

Prithee, hast thou a light for my pipe?

When Minnesota’s ban on smoking in restaurants and bars took effect in October, some astute restaurateurs noted it provided an exception for actors, who may light up during performances. Since then, about 30 establishments have made productions of themselves, printing up playbills, posting “Stage Entrance” and “Props Dept.” signs, and generally making merry …

Contract disclaimers in handbooks preserve at-Will status

While employee handbooks are essential, be careful. If they are worded improperly, they can tie employers’ hands—and may even create employment contracts that remove the at-will status that allow employees to be terminated for any legal reason …

Will a disclaimer protect us from all claims related to our handbook?

Q. Our handbook has a bold and conspicuous disclaimer stating that everyone is an at-will employee and that nothing in the handbook alters the at-will relationship. Is that sufficient to protect the company from claims based on the handbook? …

What’s the law on demanding a nonsmoking work force?

Q. The media often have stories about companies that adopt a “no-smoker” policy in order to save on health insurance costs, and force their staffs to quit smoking to keep their jobs. Can my Colorado company do this? …