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Policies / Handbooks

Ignoring your military pay policy may be costly

If, like many employers, you honor military service with special pay arrangements for those who serve their country, take note: If you don’t follow your own handbook, you may find a court ready to punish you with big damages …

New state law adds ‘Military status’ to protected classes

The recently enacted Ohio Veterans Package amends the Ohio Civil Rights Act to bar discrimination based on “military status.” As a result, Ohio employers now face new legal requirements on both the state and federal fronts for how they treat military employees and their families …

Revise confidentiality policy to omit any hint it covers wages

It’s considered impolite in many circles to discuss money, but don’t try to stop employees from talking about their pay. Setting a policy that prohibits employees from sharing information about hourly rates, salaries, bonuses or the terms of their employment could violate the National Labor Relations Act—even if your employees do not belong to a union …

Employers may be responsible for co-Worker defamation and assault

Need another reason—beyond harmony and collegiality—to insist that managers maintain a civil and considerate work environment? Consider this: Employers can be held liable for the defamation and assault of co-workers …

Can we discipline an employee for his postings on a social networking site?

Q. A female sales representative submitted a harassment complaint to HR about comments posted by one of her co-workers on MySpace. Our company’s Internet policy addresses only use of the Internet and personal e-mail in the office. Can we discipline the employee? …

The universal language: Good food … with Cheez Whiz, please!

A Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations panel has ruled that the English-only signs greeting customers at Geno’s Steaks, the famous South Philly cheesesteak shop, do not violate the city’s Fair Practices Ordinance …

Does your workplace need an employee civility code?

If it seems like you’re hearing more vulgar words and behavior spewing forth from employees these days, you’re not alone. It may be time to draft a simple employee civility policy or code of conduct that is separate from your harassment policy. Such a policy gives you more legal leverage to discipline employees who are equal-opportunity verbal abusers. It could protect you if you’re ever sued …

Make sure job descriptions, handbook include reasonable work expectations

To win a discrimination lawsuit, employees must be able to show they met their employers’ reasonable expectations. If they weren’t doing their jobs, then it’s difficult to blame any adverse employment action on discrimination. That’s one reason job descriptions and employee handbooks should include examples of reasonable expectations …

Nonprofits can’t afford this kind of volunteer help

Sherri Sullivan, a volunteer treasurer at the Madison County Humane Society, was charged with stealing $65,000 of shelter funds to buy jewelry and makeup …

What HR pros should know about trade secret misappropriation

When any valued employee leaves, the company experiences a loss. The loss is greater, however, when the former employee departs to work for a competitor and begins using the company’s confidential information or trade secrets. HR has a key role to play in protecting a company’s proprietary information. Here’s how to do it …