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Policies / Handbooks

Plan ahead for Take-the-Kids-to-Work Day: April 23


April 23 is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. To head off confusion, establish some ground rules and/or fun events for that day.

Promptly investigate co-worker harassment—and ensure employees know how to report it


There’s no time like now to review your sexual harassment policies and processes. First, remember that sexual harassment by a supervisor is the most dangerous kind. But that’s not the case with most sexual harassment complaints, however—the ones that occur between co-workers.

Can we set different sick policies for different offices?


Q. We have two offices in two different states. In one office, we have a sick leave policy in place because we have exempt employees, and the FLSA requires us to have the policy if we want to dock exempt employees for sick time after they exhaust their sick days. All employees at the second office are hourly, and they rarely call in sick. Can we have a policy at one location and not at another?

Immigration compliance issues and changes to track in 2009


Employers have a number of immigration compliance issues to track in 2009, affecting the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9, business travel, no-match letters and employment authorization documentation.

4 ways to bring domestic violence out of the workplace shadows


There’s a widespread understanding of the grave impact domestic violence has on personal lives and the havoc it wreaks on families and communities. Now more attention is being paid to its effect at work. Sometimes, incidents of domestic violence actually happen in the workplace. But the impact goes far beyond immediate safety concerns.

Require those on FMLA leave to call in sick, just like any other employee


Good news from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals: If you have a system for employees to call in sick, you can require everyone to use it—even employees on approved intermittent FMLA leave. The trick is to make sure that the employee taking FMLA leave understands she still must call in.

Have policy, act fast to cut racism liability


When racism raises its ugly head at work, employers must do two things. First, make sure everyone understands your company policy prohibits any form of harassment, including that of a racial nature. Then punish anyone caught violating that policy. And if racist graffiti is involved, remove the graffiti as soon as possible.

3 ways HR can help employees cut their health care costs


As the economy worsens, rising health costs are driving more employees to cut their own spending on medical care. Here are three ways your organization can keep workers focused on their health even as they skimp on expenses …

Showers bring back more moms after baby comes


At Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, 90% of new moms come back to work after they have their babies, but that wasn’t the case five years ago. Then, just 64% returned to work. So HR started throwing baby showers for expectant and adoptive moms and dads …

Career mentors help colleagues who are attending school


Mercy Health System in Janesville, Wis., pays up to $3,000 per employee for college tuition, and $1,000 more if the employee works with an in-house mentor for up to three years.