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Policies / Handbooks

Fight harassment with ‘no sex talk’ policy


For years, employers have grappled with what sexual harassment is and what it isn’t. Lost in the debate is the fact that a workplace is just that—a place where work is supposed to be done. Here’s a good way to end the arguments about what is sexual harassment and prevent potential problems down the line: Implement a policy that clearly bans sexual banter.

Feel free to scale back leave, pay policies that exceed USERRA requirements


Members of the armed services are protected from discrimination and have re-employment and leave rights under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). But the law doesn’t require employers to indefinitely continue what amount to voluntary special privileges for service members.

You don’t have to be a mind reader! Make employees follow promotion procedures


Employees who want promotions or transfers have to request them using whatever method the employer sets. They can’t just casually express their desire for the job.

A good deed punished: Voluntary FMLA leave can become a mandate


Under the FMLA, only employers that have 50 or more employees within 75 miles of the company’s work site are required to provide FMLA leave to their employees. The requirement is commonly known as the “50/75 rule.” Can an employer that has fewer than 50 employees within 75 miles of the company’s work site willingly agree to provide its employees with FMLA rights and benefits? That situation recently occurred in Reaux v. Infohealth Management Corp.

Can we require riffed employees to sign a release before they receive severance pay?


Q. Under our company policy, employees who are terminated because of a reduction in force are entitled to severance pay. Can we require them to execute a release in order to receive severance pay?

How far can our company go in prohibiting employees from smoking?


Q. We are committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for our workforce. To that end, we strictly prohibit smoking on company property. Can we also prohibit employees from smoking during their lunch breaks and outside of work?

Are there ADA implications if we ask applicants to take personality tests?


Q. We would like to administer personality tests to job applicants. Would this violate the ADA? A. Personality tests are a good example of the types of policies likely to be affected by the recently passed ADA Amendments Act of 2008 …

Jargon kills: Use plain language in policies


When an El Pollo Loco restaurant manager filed a wage lawsuit, the company pointed to its handbook that said (in English and small type) “all employment-related disputes must be resolved through binding arbitration.” The manager argued that employees didn’t understand what they were signing and, therefore, the policy wasn’t valid.

Soda machine attacker wins workers’ comp


Employees typically earn workers’ compensation for injuries incurred “in the course of work.” In Illinois, it seems, attacking the company vending machine is all in a day’s work. Vending-machine vigilantes are also covered in Oregon …

Can you ask applicants if they have relatives on staff?


Q. On our applications, can we include a question that asks if applicants are related to any current employees?