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Personnel Files

Expect new OSHA heat if your injury rate is higher than average

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has launched an “enhanced enforcement policy” that targets 10,000 employers with tough workplace …

Keep OSHA injury/illness logs posted longer this year

If your company is required to post Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) 300 Logs for workplace injuries and illnesses, keep them posted until April 30 …

Safeguard your health data: HIPAA rules kick in April 14

Reminder: If your company sponsors an employee benefit plan, it likely has to comply with new privacy standards under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s …

Guard HR records, the No. 1 source of identity theft

In the past, thieves stole a person’s identity mostly by snatching a wallet, intercepting mail or digging through garbage to find identifying data. Not anymore. Now, …

No need to reverify expired driver’s license


Q. I was interested in your recent article discussing reverifying employees’ I-9 documents when they expire. Does this mean that if a worker shows a driver’s license as verification, we need to ask for the worker’s new number and recheck the information when the license expires? —H.F., Florida

Completing the I-9: Top 10 do’s and don’ts

It’s more important than ever to make sure your employees are who they say they are and they’re legally eligible to work in this country. Why? The ongoing battle against …

OSHA enforcing recordkeeping rules; find out if you must comply

At the start of 2002, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) revamped its regulations on which companies must keep injury and illness records. OSHA gave companies six months to get …

Stop relying on Social Security number as employee ID

Identity theft is among the nation’s fastest-growing crimes, and your personnel files and other HR data can be gold mines for would-be thieves. Getting a Social Security number (SSN), in particular, …

Just Say No to Rescinded Resignation


Q. We have an employee who submitted a dated, signed resignation letter but then changed her mind and wanted the letter back. She was not a good employee, but we let her rescind the letter because we thought we’d be on shaky legal ground. Could we have held her to it? —M.L., Ohio

Rehiring ex-addict? Get proof of rehab

Joel Hernandez had worked for Hughes Aircraft for 25 years when he tested positive for cocaine during a workplace drug test. Rather than be fired, he resigned. The company noted in …