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Personnel Files

Good records are key to winning retaliation lawsuits


When it comes to discharging employees, it’s very important to document your decision-making process. Be prepared to show that you followed company disciplinary rules and applied them even-handedly …

Keep references to past litigation out of employees’ personnel files


A group of black and Hispanic police officers have accused the NYPD of harassment for noting in their personnel files that they were complainants in a discrimination suit. The notations could damage their careers, their attorney says …

FMLA: Recordkeeping Requirements


HR Law 101: The FMLA’s recordkeeping requirements are less onerous than those of some other federal laws. But you must handle FMLA medical records with the same level of confidentiality as required under the ADA …

References, Background Checks


HR Law 101: Make it your policy never to hire a candidate without a reference/background check. Your organization could be held liable for “negligent hiring” or “failure to warn” should the employee turn violent on the job. If the employee’s past history would have revealed a problem but you didn’t spot it because you didn’t check, the courts will say you “should have known.” Your firm not only might have to pay damages but also would suffer a loss of reputation …    


‘My lawyer will be in contact’: Enough notice to preserve records


A New Jersey appellate court recently granted a new trial to a former Paine Webber employee who claimed the company fired her for filing a sexual harassment complaint. During trial, the employee claimed Paine Webber withheld or destroyed critical documents

When (and how) can Pa. employees peek in their personnel files?


The Pennsylvania Inspection of Employment Records Law guarantees employees the right to view their personnel files at work …

Should we keep copies of I-9 documentation?


Q. My boss is concerned about the increased penalties against employers who hire illegal aliens. He wants to be sure our procedures are in keeping with the best practices. One question I have: What do we do with the documents that new employees present to comply with the I-9 requirements? Should we keep copies of them? And, if so, where? —G.S.

How to Write Effective and Legal Job Descriptions

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Texas Public Information Act


No specific Texas law allows private-sector employees access to their workplace personnel files, but the Texas Public Information Act does provide that right to public employees …

Pennsylvania Law on Inspection of Employment Records


In Pennsylvania, employers must allow employees (or their designated agents) to inspect their personnel files upon reasonable request. The law applies only to actual employees, not to ex-employees or applicants who want to look at their application files …