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Personnel Files

The wisdom of correcting I-9s

Q. As the HR person at our company, I just recently concluded an internal audit of the Form I-9s that we have on file. I am concerned that many of those forms may be incorrectly filled out. Should I just throw them all out and complete new Form I-9s for our employees? …

Use performance evaluations to pinpoint problems—And follow up

There’s no point in completing performance evaluations and suggesting areas in which employees could improve if no one follows up. The best approach is to schedule an interim review for an employee who needs improvement. Then tell him what he needs to do before the next review …

Personnel records a mess? Clean them up now

How carefully do you maintain your company’s personnel files? If they are a mess and don’t include relevant information such as applications, set aside time now to straighten them out! Courts are increasingly ordering employers being sued for discrimination to turn over any arguably related files …

El Paso commissioners withdraw support for immigration raids

On May 5, El Paso County officials adopted a resolution calling for an end to workplace immigration raids until Congress passes comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The “Rights and Justice for Immigrant Workers” resolution calls for eliminating employer sanctions and no-match letters …

Follow These 5 Rules for Documenting HR Decision-Making

The best way to prevent lawsuits or to get a quick dismissal of unfounded charges is to document every employment decision carefully. Following these five simple rules can convince judges and juries that your HR decision-making is legit, above board and fully in line with the law.

Track HR decisions to show discipline wasn’t harassment

The best way to prevent lawsuits or to get a quick dismissal of unfounded charges is to document every employment decision carefully. You and your staff should be able to show exactly when a decision was made, who made it and what the basis for the decision was …

Do we have to hand over personnel file to employee we fired?

Q. We fired an employee based on an eyewitness account of theft. We documented that report and put it in the former employee’s personnel file. That person has now hired an attorney and asked to see the file. We feel that we have no obligation to respond. Do we have to turn it over without a subpoena?

Confused about record-Keeping? DOL unveils online aid

The U.S. Department of Labor last month debuted the FirstStep Recordkeeping, Reporting and Notices Advisor, an online tool that helps employers determine which record-keeping and notice laws apply to them …

Should we now be using the new I-9 Forms to document worker eligibility?


Q. Our HR department is using I-9 forms from several years ago. At what point should we use the new revised form issued by the federal government? …

Must manager release notes on performance when employee requests personnel file?

Q. One of our managers keeps notes of performance issues in a file that he uses for completing performance appraisals. One person he supervises has made a written request to see her personnel file—and specifically asked for information in the manager’s file. Do we have to give the notes to the employee? …