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Personnel Files

‘Sunshine Troublemaker’ puts heat on school districts


Encouraged by a victory in Polk County Circuit Court, Lakeland resident and public-records gadfly Joel Chandler submitted public records requests to the state’s 67 school districts demanding the names, addresses, ages and telephone numbers of every person covered by the districts’ health insurance plans.

When in doubt, add a stamp


When Medical Mutual Insurance of Ohio learned that 11 computer disks mailed to state retirement groups in Columbus had not arrived, the insurer contacted the U.S. Postal Service. There was reason for concern: The disks contained personal information on 36,000 Ohio retirees …

College employee data posted on the web


Sinclair Community College in Dayton recently discovered that it had posted the names and Social Security numbers of almost 1,000 employees on a public web site for a year.

What are the ground rules for records retention?


Q. How long do I have to keep employees’ personnel files after their terminations?

Ensure private info doesn’t become public


You may not realize it, but your organization may be contributing to identity theft by failing to safeguard personal information such as employees’ names, addresses, birth dates and Social Security numbers. Any one of those breaches could violate the North Carolina Identity Theft Protection Act.

Document absences, and excuses, too


One of the best ways to win lawsuits at the earliest stages is to have ready a treasure trove of documents showing your decision about an employee was fair, impartial and reasonable. For example, for employees with absenteeism problems, document every absence.

Must we allow former employees access to personnel files?


Q. A former employee has contacted our HR manager demanding a copy of her personnel file. Must we make this available?

Your guide to medical confidentiality under the ADA and the FMLA


Both the ADA and the FMLA have strict requirements for how employers must handle employees’ confidential medical information. HR professionals need to know these rules to comply with both acts—and to avoid expensive legal liability for failing to do so.

When a collection company calls, may we disclose employee medical info?


Q. May an employer provide an employee’s medical information to a collection company?

Personnel records: Your guide to ADA and FMLA medical confidentiality


Both the ADA and the FMLA have strict requirements for how employers must handle employee’s confidential medical information. HR professionals must know these rules to comply with both laws—and to avoid expensive legal liability for failing to do so. Here are the details you need.