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HR Management

It’s time to scrap pay-secrecy policies

Traditionally, employers have tried to keep a lid on compensation-related discord by asking employees not to discuss pay. To some extent, that’s just the way it’s always been. But today, no-talk-about-pay rules are under legal assault, challenged for violating the law and helping perpetuate income inequality.

Shootings shine spotlight on anti-AAPI bias

Mass murders last month at Atlanta-area massage parlors highlighted the growing threat of violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The EEOC quickly issued a statement condemning the violence—and foreshadowing greater enforcement against those who harass members of the AAPI community.

Walsh to lead Biden pro-worker agenda

For the first time in 40 years, the U.S. Department of Labor is now headed by a union leader. Marty Walsh will take the lead on advocating for workers on an array of issues.

The HR I.Q. Test: April ’21

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Snapshot: Employee stress is on the rise

A recent survey found that, in the preceding two weeks, 84% of adults reported feeling at least one of these emotions associated with prolonged stress.

Step right up and get your shot

The Centers for Disease Control, while not directly encouraging employers to set up vaccination clinics, has some advice for those wanting to. With the increased availability of vaccines in the coming weeks, this may be an attractive option for your company.

Should you offer COVID shots at work?

In new guidelines issued on March 16, the CDC said employers should consider setting up an on-site vaccination program if they have a large number of workers with predictable schedules and enough space for a pop-up clinic (while still allowing for social distancing).

OSHA plans targeted covid-19 inspections

Anew OSHA national emphasis program seeks to reduce the threat of coronavirus exposure at work by targeting enforcement inspections at employers that put the largest number of workers at serious risk of becoming infected.

OSHA announces national program to combat coronavirus at work

OSHA says the national emphasis program will target enforcement efforts on employers that put the largest number of workers at serious risk of contracting the coronavirus. The program also prioritizes employers that retaliate against workers for complaining about unsafe or unhealthy conditions.

States shift mask enforcement to employers

Employers are free to enforce their own mask rules. However, without government backing, conflicts are sure to emerge. Public-facing employees have expressed fears they must now enforce masking rules alone.