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HR Management

Employers, employees may clash over return-to-work

Employers continue to struggle with what post-pandemic work ought to look like, according to a new survey by the Littler Mendelson employment law firm. One of the most potentially significant problems: Employers and employees may disagree about plans for reopening workplaces after a year of working remotely.

Steady the ship when employees lose their balance: 3 tips

Employee disengagement or burnout isn’t always apparent, and some employers may be in for a surprise if and when the COVID-19 pandemic winds down. Leaders need to learn how to recognize when the people around them—peers, colleagues, but especially subordinates—are out of balance or are heading in the wrong direction.

Workers say pandemic has caused career setbacks

Thirty-eight percent of professional workers said their careers have stalled since the start of the pandemic, according to a new survey by the Robert Half staffing firm.

Snapshot: Percentage of adults using social media

Most American adults say they use YouTube and Facebook. Platforms such as Snapchat, Twitter and TikTok attract less than a quarter.

Pandemic stresses didn’t dampen career satisfaction

In the face of the pandemic, a resulting economic crisis, mass layoffs and high unemployment, the percent of employees reporting overall satisfaction with their jobs remained high in 2020, according to a new survey from the Conference Board business research nonprofit.

The uphill battle to vaccinate all employees

The challenges employers face trying to create safe workplaces this summer mirror those facing the nation at large. Although most employers want to ensure as many employees as possible are vaccinated against covid-19, a significant percentage of people don’t want the shots.

OSHA: Act fast to curb workplace infections

After almost a year of inaction as the coronavirus raged, OSHA is now scrambling to play catch-up. Biden administration officials say OSHA is committed to protecting workers from infection as covid-19 hot spots emerge even as the pandemic winds down.

The HR I.Q. Test: May ’21

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Here’s another reason not to mandate covid vaccines

OSHA has determined that requiring employees to receive covid-19 vaccines automatically makes any adverse reaction to the vaccine a work-related, OSHA-recordable event that must appear on OSHA Forms 300, 300A and 301.

OSHA pumps brakes on covid-19 ETS roll-out

OSHA’s much-anticipated, much-dreaded emergency temporary standard on workplace covid-19 safety is on hold. Credit recent success in vaccinating more than 200 million Americans.