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HR Management

Snapshot: What’s the best thing about being promoted?

Frankly, we’re surprised more money doesn’t rate even higher!

SHRM survey: Bosses look down on remote employees

A full 67% of supervisors of remote workers surveyed by the Society for Human Resource Management consider them more replaceable than on-site workers.

Vaccine mandates on the rise; how to respond

The dramatic spike in COVID cases this summer—fueled by the powerful Delta variant—is leading more employers to rethink their hesitancy about vaccine mandates.

Snapshot: Top issues employees don’t think HR can fix

Employees have generally low expectations about HR’s ability to solve these workplace problems.

Vaccine mandates, masks get federal backing

A pair of federal government measures has private-sector employers reconsidering policies to keep workers safe from covid-19.

The HR I.Q. Test: August ’21

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Return to work brings challenge, opportunity

Here’s a shocking survey result: When remote workers were asked whether they wanted to return to their pre-pandemic workplaces rather than continue to telework, almost 40% said they would rather quit than resume their commute to the old office. The percentage is even higher for millennials and members of Generation Z.

OSHA summer safety alert: Prevent heat illness at work

Across much of the country, this summer has been brutally hot. In many areas, the National Weather Service predicts unusually warm weather will continue into the fall. Heat-related illness can be deadly. Remind supervisors to protect workers by following these simple safety recommendations from OSHA.

Use negotiation skills to ease return to work

To frame conversations about returning to in-person work, take your cue from negotiation experts. Andres Lares, managing partner at Shapiro Negotiations Institute in Baltimore, advises the following approach.

How we created employee ‘communities’ to build life skills

Wayne H. Perry started Cornerstone Village to gather his employees who share common interests and life goals through the formation of five distinct communities within the company: financial literacy, real estate, humanitarianism, entrepreneurship and health/wellness.