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HR Management

Clean up graffiti or pay a legal price

Take workplace graffiti seriously, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) does. Foster Wheeler Constructors Inc. recently agreed …

Pressure is building for domestic-partner benefits

There is increasing pressure in some state legislatures and courts to extend benefits to employees’ domestic partners. Be sure to check your state to determine …

Bias claims on the rise

The number of employment discrimination cases filed in U.S. district courts nearly tripled in the last decade, to 23,735 in 1998, the Bureau of Justice Statistics says. But take heart: The …

Don’t fear distress caused by proper investigations

You don’t have to worry that the target of your harassment investigation will turn around and sue you for emotional distress. The 2nd Circuit said he …

Apply consistent policy on employee searches, and get written OK first

Elvis Stewart carried a duffel bag so he could change uniforms between working at a Taco Bell during the day and a McDonald’s inside …

Erratic attendance can disqualify employee from ADA protection

Dan Jovanovic was one of the tool and die makers that kept the In-Sink-Erator manufacturing plant running. But Jovanovic had an erratic attendance record …

Women-hating comments, even if not sexual, can equal sexual harassment

Elizabeth Smith got hit with a double whammy: a harassing boss and a company that didn’t take it seriously. In the end, the company’s lax response cost it big-time …

Multiple locations? Check local law before setting nationwide rules

If your company operates in several locations, make sure you’re complying with every city and state law. And check your employee handbook, too. It may need …

OSHA colors in gray areas of home-office liability

Bottom line: If you let workers perform hazardous manufacturing operations in their homes, such as assembling electronic components, then your company …

Pay for ‘Floating Holiday’ Depends on Your Policy


Q. We gave eligible employees a “floating holiday” in lieu of having Dec. 31, 1999, as a paid holiday. We generally pay employees for all unused vacation, sick and personal time upon termination, but we have no policy regarding an unused floating holiday. Do we have to pay workers for any unused floating holidays upon termination? Does it make any difference if the employee requested the day off but the supervisor denied the request? —C.R., Illinois