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HR Management

ADA may require extended leave

Zenaida Garcia-Ayala missed a lot of work while battling breast cancer. Over a dozen years, she used salary continuation and short-term disability …

Don’t make biased requests when using staffing agency

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is warning employers that they can’t use employment agencies to skirt anti-discrimination law. The EEOC sued …

Review your FMLA policy in advance of national survey

Over the next two months, thousands of U.S. businesses will be mailed a government survey asking for how they handle absences under the …

Supreme Court upholds ban on workplace racial slurs

The U.S. Supreme Court recently let stand a lower court ruling that banned an employee from making racial slurs at work. In the case, a group of Latino employees sued …

Breast-feeding: Develop wise policy for staff, customers

With half of new mothers returning to work within three months of giving birth, breast-feeding has become a hot workplace issue. The American Academy of Pediatrics …

‘Independent’ is key concept in classifying workers

Whether you call them consultants, free-lancers or gurus, independent contractors can add experience and flexibility to your team while saving you money. By using …

Recover training costs


Q. Can we require an employee to sign an agreement to reimburse the company for half the expenses related to training, if the employee resigns within six months? —S.D., Northern Marianas

Comparing leave time under FMLA, ADA

FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Applies to: Employers with 50 or more employees working within a 75-mile radius of the work site during each of 20 or more workweeks …

Padding your reasons for firing can build case against you

Daniel McInnis was a full-time instructor until the new college president opted not to renew his contract. The president gave two reasons. But in his zeal to justify those reasons, he …

Tighten your policy on work authorization

Three companies have recently settled federal charges of “document abuse” in hiring, with penalties totaling more than $270,000. The problem: Employers requested specific documents or asked for documents other than those …