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HR Management

Don’t lose your at-will right by guaranteeing a job for life

Officials at the Huntsman Corp. allegedly told James Scott Wesson that he “would always have a job” there. But Wesson’s employment contract made no mention of lifetime employment. When the company …

Train all staff to head off violence

While many companies train managers to identify the warning signs of violent behavior, only 24 percent offer such training to all employees, according to a recent …

Employee car accident may spell liability for company


Q. An employee injured on the job recently was transported to the hospital by a co-worker. On the way back to work, they were in a car accident and both employees tested positive for illegal substances. What is our total liability? What can companies do to protect against this scenario? —T.K., Ohio

Consider alternatives to cash severance

If you offer severance packages, don’t assume workers want only money. With rising health care costs, they are choosing less severance pay and more outplacement benefits, such as continued health coverage. …

Older replacement won’t erase age bias claim

After a financially strapped hospital turned over its collection and registration duties to an outside vendor, four female workers over age 40 lost …

Straight talk, business reasons help shoot down bias lawsuit

Vendors, customers and employees had complained about Jane Sturdivan, a 59-year-old office manager. But her fate was sealed when a 24-year-old office accountant …

The $500,000 question: Are your hiring tests legal?

If you use a test to screen job applicants, make sure it isn’t unfairly blocking certain groups. Dupont used a written test for entry-level …

Don’t embellish reasons for firing

When a financial services firm terminates an employee, it must file a Form U-5 outlining the reasons for the firing. While those statements have some immunity …

In-house whistle-blowers win protection

Truck driving instructor Bud Barela tried to help his students “do the math” to figure out how they could earn pay and time off the company promised. But the numbers …

‘Direct threat’ no longer required to bar former substance abusers

After the 1989 Valdez oil spill cost it billions of dollars, Exxon tightened its policy on recovered substance abusers. It permanently removed any employee who had been …