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HR Management

Stop ‘equal opportunity harasser’ even if law doesn’t cover you

Steven and Karen Holman are not only married and work together in the same maintenance department, but they also filed suit together claiming sexual harassment …

Allowing public access adds new duty to accommodate disabled

The Twentieth Century Fox production lot in Los Angeles includes many conveniences, including a commissary, store and automatic teller machine. However, Les Jankey …

EEOC beefs up wage-bias arsenal

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is putting action behind its talk of cracking down on unequal pay. A new internal task force …

Who can sue for discrimination?

Find out which employees can sue you (and for what reasons) in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s new compliance manual on thresholds for …

Consider legal impact before deleting files, e-mail messages

As Microsoft learned in its recent federal suit, e-mail messages are official company records that can be summoned in a lawsuit. Unfortunately, most companies …

Supreme Court greases path for bias cases

Your chances of winning a job discrimination lawsuit just took a tumble. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that workers don’t need direct evidence …

Put reasonable limits on who can take complaints

Two female supermarket employees complained to a district manager that their store manager had sexually harassed them. The district manager promptly …

It’s not always best to challenge a handbook’s implied contract

Continental Airlines followed a detailed attendance policy with machinist Kevin McGuire. He first got verbal and written warnings, then was fired. McGuire contested …

Employee doesn’t need to show actual injury to earn workers’ comp

When Patsy Evenson, a K-Mart manager, came to the aid of a wheelchair-bound man, she got his blood and feces on her hands. He had HIV, and she had sores on …

Make sure supervisors set a safe example.

A meat company’s safety rules told workers never to poke their body parts into machinery while it’s operating. But Lynnecia Hagins’ boss often used his hand …