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HR Management

Legality of arbitration depends where you are

Before you require employees to arbitrate claims against you, find out whether it will stand up in court. A federal court in California recently barred a law firm from requiring …

Body Odor: Clear the Air Over Staff Dress Code


Q. In the December 2000 issue, you discussed the topic of employees with body odor. We also have a staff member with body odor so bad that other staff members have complained and even threatened to leave the agency. The employee has been disciplined several times and required to go home without pay until she agrees to comply with the dress code. At what point can we legally terminate her? —A.S., Michigan

Check state law for drug testing policy


Q. Is drug testing permitted under Maryland law? —L.R., Maryland

Rating system for job reassignments has to be scored fairly

When a medical supply company reorganized its sales force, it rated existing employees on a “matrix” of skills. Although Deborah Goosby had won several sales awards, she was put in …

Court tosses vague OSHA rules

Ignorance is usually no excuse for violating the law, but an appeals court recently ruled that federal safety standards on open ladders and platforms were too confusing. It threw out a …

Tally up payroll to find out if Title VII covers you


Q. We have about 15 employees, many of whom work part time. A former employee filed a charge of discrimination against the company under Title VII. We don’t think our company is covered by Title VII because we don’t have 15 workers scheduled to work in most weeks. Do you think the case could be dismissed with that argument? —R.B., Texas

Weigh the pros, cons of mediating disputes


Q. Do you recommend mediation for resolving employment disputes? —N.B., Minnesota

OSHA ergonomics rules to take effect Jan. 16

The Clinton administration has pushed through controversial ergonomics regulations that are to take effect four days before the inauguration. Several business groups have filed suit to block the regulations. Their …

Don’t count on seniority system to block reassignment of disabled

After injuring his back while working in a cargo job for USAir, Robert Barnett used his seniority to transfer to the company’s mailroom. When he learned two workers with more seniority …

7 tips to trim your legal bill

Document everything. Take notes on all discussions with your lawyer, including date, time, your requests and all commitments.
Cluster needs. If you pay an hourly rate, bundle your questions instead …