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HR Management

Crime coverage may pay for itself

Business consultants are increasingly advising clients to buy crime insurance. Employees are more likely to rip you off, and technology is …

Series of ‘minor’ incidents
can add up to hostile environment

Cheryl Conner blew away her male co-workers in skills training for her new metal-processing job. The trouble started when she went from the classroom …

Sexual orientation: Adapt policy to local, state law

Although Congress has debated the idea, no federal law specifically prohibits job discrimination based on an employee or applicant’s sexual orientation. Employees …

You may have to pay for workers’ old ailments

During her 30-year career as a dental hygienist, Kathleen Flor worked for many dentists. In 1990, a test for hepatitis C came back negative, even though she was treated …

Don’t jump the gun on job offers; control who promises what

Based on an oral offer from a hospital’s interim CEO, James Greisi accepted a job as a physical therapy manager. A few days later, Greisi received a written offer …

Prepare for OSHA visit when labor’s unhappy

Pay extra attention to safety when your company is going through labor unrest. Reason: A new study shows that the likelihood of a federal safety inspection …

Pitch old records with care


Q. How long is a company supposed to keep paper records? We’d like to throw out some of our old, archived paperwork. —B.H., Pennsylvania

Title VII’s silence on gay bias doesn’t give OK to discriminate

It would be an understatement to describe the working relationship between nurse Gary Hamner and the hospital’s medical director as poor. Hamner, a homosexual, says …

Employee doesn’t need to exhaust complaint channels to file suit

After complaining to her store manager several times about harassment, Gabrielle Breda decided to resign and sue rather than take her complaint up the chain of command. Company policy …

Base English-only rules on business necessity

Unless you have a good business reason, steer clear of preventing workers from talking to each other in their native language. In September …