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HR Management

To keep arbitration clause legal, ensure workers’ cost is reasonable

When SFX bought a New York radio station, it required all workers to sign a binding arbitration clause. Station employee Tracy Christopher later accused the company of gender and pregnancy …

Keep unions at bay: Allow few exceptions to no-solicitation policy

Don’t be so quick to OK fund-raising events at your workplace, allowing too many could endanger your “no solicitation/no distribution” policy and open you up to an accusation of an unfair …

Crisis management: Set smart policy before disaster strikes

The size of the Sept. 11 attacks magnified the impact that a disaster can have on a workplace, thousands attempting to evacuate …

Keep Control Over Comp-Time Accumulation


Q. We have an exempt supervisor who’s accumulated more than 400 hours of comp time over the past year. It’s almost impossible for her to take 400 hours of comp time and do her job. What is our obligation to pay for this comp time? How can this issue best be resolved? —G.H., California

New managers:Stick to promised accommodations

When Gertrude Abramson was hired as an associate professor, she told the department chairman that she wouldn’t be able to work on Jewish holidays. No problem, he said, and suggested she …

Close ties with arbitrator can unbind decision

Prudential fired Alex Montez four months into his job as a senior vice president after it found he had misrepresented something on his job application. But one issue prevented a clean …

Heterosexuals also protected.

A secretary for the Metropolitan Opera’s stage director filed a discrimination suit, saying her boss subjected her to a hostile environment and fired her because she isn’t a homosexual. The New …

Use interview to poke holes in applicant’s rÃ?sumÃ? claims

Before hiring a promising job candidate, make sure he is as good in real life as on paper. An interview is the key time to verify claims on rÃ?sumÃ?s. Any …

Notify staff how you count FMLA year

Managers at America West warned Penny Bachelder that her attendance was a problem. She had taken lots of time off in the previous two years under the Family and Medical Leave …

Don’t set automatic deadline for workers returning from disability leave.

Make sure your medical leave policy doesn’t automatically terminate employees after a certain number of days. Blood Systems Inc. recently agreed to pay 23 employees a total of $650,000 after the …