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HR Management

Leaving managers untrained is ‘extraordinary mistake’

Anthony Mathis had 24 years’ experience selling cars, but the application he dropped off at Phillips Chevrolet didn’t even get him an interview. The dealership hired seven younger salespeople. Mathis …

Staring can be sexual harassment

Assembly-line worker Michelle Birschtein complained to her foreman when a forklift driver made sexual remarks to her. The driver never spoke to her again, but he did stare at her, five …

Can you give inferior benefits to disabled retirees? Courts split

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin) recently ruled that a company doesn’t violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) when it provides less generous retirement benefits …

Off-Duty Parties Sometimes Carry Liability


Q. A recent sexual harassment complaint reported the conduct of management employees at a private party. The party was outside the normal workday and wasn’t sponsored by the company. What is the company’s liability? —W.S., Wisconsin

Morale, Not Law, Dictates Social Obligations


Q. We’ve traditionally sponsored a holiday cruise for our Virginia employees (mainly executives and directors). But the cost will be prohibitive if we include our newest employees, who are spread across three neighboring states. Can we sponsor different events for staff in each geographical area? —W.S., Virginia

Beware legal traps of hiring online reference checkers

Since Sept. 11, security fears have sent companies scurrying to do criminal background checks on job applicants. Many companies are outsourcing this function to Web-based reference checkers. But beware: Some …

Build a firewall against Internet, e-mail liabilities

Whether you have a work force of three or 3,000, any time you let a worker use your e-mail or Internet service, you’re putting your company at risk for lawsuits and …

Prepare for new injury, illness recordkeeping rules in 2002

Get familiar now with new rules for tracking workplace injuries and illnesses that take effect Jan. 1, 2002. The new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations add and subtract …

Defend against being sued personally for your mistakes

Issue: In addition to suing the organization, employees may go after you personally in court.
Risk: Certain federal employment laws allow employees to sue their individual managers and HR reps, …

Liability doesn’t stop at company door

The president of Windermere Relocation Services really wanted to win the Starbucks account. He told Maureen Little, the firm’s top corporate services manager, that he wanted to “do whatever it takes …