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HR Management

Employee or contractor? Failing to check can double damages

Bell Atlantic Corp., now Verizon, hired drivers for its senior executives. While some drivers were considered Bell employees, others were independent contractors paid a flat hourly rate. They had to carry …

Don’t invite EEOC to fish through your files

When dealing with the federal government, sometimes too much compliance can get you in trouble. What happened? When the Equal Employment Oppor-tunity Commission (EEOC) got a complaint about racial discrimination …

Sidestep liability when releasing information on ex-employees

Wal-Mart fired truck driver Joseph Tracz after he tested positive for drugs. When he applied for another job, Tracz signed an authorization form allowing Wal-Mart to release his past drug tests. …

Evacuation plan? New guide helps you avoid ADA complaints

If you’re revamping your workplace evacuation plans in the wake of Sept. 11, check out new guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The problem: In determining who …

Treat SSA ‘No Match’ Letters Separately From I-9 Issues


It’s not unusual for employers to receive "no match" letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA) stating there is a discrepancy …

Don’t bury your rights in fine print

When a Dunkin’ Donuts customer stormed away after an exchange with sales clerk Richard Ferguson, a supervisor followed and talked with him out of Ferguson’s earshot. A few days later, Ferguson …

Update safety priorities to cut injuries, costs

Companies typically get a return on investment of $3 for every dollar they spend improving workplace safety. But new research shows many companies place too little priority on accident causes that …

Bar workers from driving company car after drinking


Q. We recently learned that an employee who drives a company vehicle is stopping on the way home for a few drinks. How should we handle this employee? Should we notify all employees that if they use drugs or alcohol in the workplace or while driving a company vehicle, they will be terminated? —R.O., California


Q Our policy says an employee must work the workday before and after a holiday to receive holiday pay. If an employee is on Family and Medical Leave Act leave, is he entitled to holiday pay? —G.P., Indiana

Consistency: Your key defense

Three employees at a Minnesota prison complained when told they had to sit through a mandatory training session on gays and lesbians in the workplace. The warden tried to ease their …