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HR Management

Educate employees on new benefit-law changes

Few workers seem aware that last year’s new tax law lets them save more in their 401(k) plans this year, perhaps because most companies haven’t told them. Only 30 percent …

Don’t fear ‘cybersmear’; go after employees who libel you online

Research scientist Michelangelo Delfino was fired for harassing fellow workers at a medical lab. A co-worker, Mary Day, resigned two months later. Soon after, the pair used the Internet to unleash …

Tortoise to hare: EEOC speeds resolution of bias cases

If an employee files a discrimination charge against you with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), don’t expect the case to hang in limbo. Reason: The EEOC is processing new discrimination …

Accept Worker’s Choice of I-9 Documents


Q. Is it true that under a recently passed law, our company no longer can request copies of picture I.D. and Social Security cards? —A.G., Texas

Personnel files: What to keep, and where


Q. What should we keep in personnel files? —G.T., Missouri

States up the ante in harassment liability

Two pivotal Supreme Court decisions in 1998 gave employers a powerful new weapon to defend themselves when sued because of harassment by a supervisor. But recent rulings in a handful of …

Employees must ‘fess up about their need for leave

Linda Collins’ attendance record at work was spotty at best. Her employer warned her more than a dozen times, including four formal warnings. But when she again called in sick two …

When bias goes companywide, class-action lawsuits will follow

Two recent rulings illustrate how more workers are seeking, and winning, class-action status in charges of companywide discrimination. Case 1. In December, a federal court in Illinois paved the way …



In last month’s Business Talk column, a subscriber asked about holiday pay for workers taking leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Several of you asked us to elaborate …

Don’t be tempted by corporate ministry services


Q. Since Sept. 11 and due to the economic doldrums, some of our employees have not been the same emotionally. We’ve tried to be patient and understanding, but they seem to need something else. We’ve heard that some companies are contracting with corporate ministry services. Is this practice legal or advisable? —S.S., Virginia