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HR Management

Get your ergonomic house in order

Many companies celebrated in April when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced it would combat workplace ergonomic injuries through a new strategy of guidance, information and assistance, rather than heavy-handed rules on businesses.

You can provide benefit plan documents electronically

New Labor Department rules say employers can use electronic means to give employees benefits information, like summary plan descriptions, individual benefit statements and COBRA notices. The rules even allow more options, …

Avoid Liability for ‘Porn Spam’


Q. Some of our employees have been getting a lot of spam e-mail that advertises porn sites. I’m concerned that an employee will consider this junk as creating a hostile work environment. What can we do to protect ourselves? —M.C., Minnesota

SSA sending more ‘no match’ letters; know how to respond

In light of Sept. 11, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has increased its efforts to find workers whose names don’t match their Social Security numbers. And their effort could require action …

References: Stick to Facts


Q. An employer asked us for job verification on an employee we fired. It has a written consent form from the worker allowing the query. Can I release any and all information regarding the ex-employee’s history with us? —R.F., Colorado

State Laws Govern Access to Personnel Files


Q. What’s the law on letting employees review all their personnel files? Can we prevent it? —J.S., Utah

Mean-spirited office pranks carry heavy price

When a manager at an auto body shop went to the restroom, two fellow employees picked the lock, entered and took a photograph of him while urinating. They distributed the picture …

Don’t pry too deeply when seeking proof of sick leave

Under her employer’s sick-leave policy, corrections officer Belinda Fountain had to provide a diagnosis of her medical condition every time she was absent. This “medical certification” had to be on …

Drop any hint of youth-oriented hiring policy

A 45-year-old sales manager sued under federal age-bias law, saying an insurance company discriminated against older managers. He argued that the company’s hiring policy targeted younger managers to match its recruitment …

Vacation policy: Keep benchmarks, formality in mind

The summer vacation season is upon us, and that means it’s time to dust off your company’s time-off policy. Despite lingering uncertainty over the economic recovery and travel safety, 77 …