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HR Management

Foreign workers count toward Title VII’s 15-employee minimum

A worker was subjected to verbal and physical abuse at a Mexican plant of an American company. He sued for harassment. A district court tossed out the suit, saying the …

Write Job Descriptions Before Trouble Starts


Q. How serious is it if written job descriptions aren’t in place for employees? Is it safe to draft them even after a termination that could result in a lawsuit? —B.B., New York

Labor Department offers Spanish-language FMLA poster

Covered employers are required to post a “Your Rights Under the FMLA” poster and are expected to communicate the basics about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to employees who …

You’re not liable for failing to solve worker’s benefit problem

Larkin Watson had a chronic heart condition and missed many days of work. His supervisor suggested he reduce his hours from full- to part-time status, which he did. But when his …

Go on offense to establish defense: Train staff in anti-harassment rules

Maria Gaines, a corrections officer at a New Jersey county jail, claimed that one evening her supervisor grabbed her and kissed her. Then he allegedly joked about it with other high-ranking …

Draft benefit-plan documents can be legal

A brokerage firm employee was seriously injured in a car accident while driving drunk. He applied for coverage under the company’s accidental death and dismemberment policy, but his claim was denied …

Politics at work: Know state law on voting leave, political speech

Federal laws are silent on the issue, but 31 states require private companies to give employees time off to vote if the polls are closed during the employee’s off-work time. …

Investigating workplace harassment: 10 steps to success

When complaints of workplace harassment arise, as they inevitably do, managers and HR directors are called upon to respond. Doing this right is a high-stakes venture. Here are 10 steps to …

Be consistent in reasons for layoffs

When a Wisconsin company restructured, it laid off a 44-year-old customer service rep. None of her direct supervisors or co-workers took part in deciding which employees would be laid off. But …

Challenge workers’ comp claim based on personal problems, gossip

While working as a bus driver and instructor for a school district, Carrie Geredes had a not-so-private affair with a co-worker. After the affair ended, she heard that her former lover …