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HR Management

Prevent pro-union postings at work by limiting personal solicitations

After a union launched an organizing campaign at an Arkansas hospital, a nurse put up a screen saver on a hospital computer that said “Look for the U.” Her supervisor gave …

Fix absentee problem; cost of no-shows is rising

Stop throwing the same solutions at your employee absentee problem. Reason: Per-employee absence costs have reached an all-time high of $789 this year, up from $610 just two years ago, according …

Dress codes: Strip away discrimination, ‘uniform’ dangers

If your business is image-driven, now’s the time to take a closer look at how you regulate employee appearance. Reason: An increasing number of lawsuits are successfully challenging employers’ dress-code policies. …

HR pay: Has it hit bottom?

Didn’t get much of a raise in 2002? You’re not alone. The struggling economy held HR pay in check as companies kept a tight rein on salary hikes. Pay nudged …

Reach out to staff: Workers more receptive to union appeals

Now’s the time to improve your employee relations. Reason: Labor unions see opportunity in the current anti-corporate mood, and they’re hoping to ride this wave of public distrust to victories in …

New corporate accountability law holds employment-law surprises

It’s no secret that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 made sweeping reforms to corporate governance law. But employers are learning that it also includes some employment-related provisions for public companies …

Managers: Don’t sit on harassment claim, notify designated person

When does a company officially “know” of a harassment complaint? It’s not always when the complaint is lodged with the designated person in your reporting procedures. If your lower-level managers get …

Court opens door wider to sexual-orientation lawsuits

In what gay-rights groups are calling a landmark decision, a federal appeals court has said that homosexuals can use federal civil rights laws to sue for alleged harassment. In the …

Not all vision impairments qualify as disabilities

Several UPS employees who could only see out of one eye claimed their sight was a disability and that UPS’ policy of not allowing them to drive a truck was discriminatory …

Retaliation threat doesn’t erase time limit for filing lawsuit

Wal-Mart employee Stephanie Beckel complained to a general manager that her supervisor was sexually harassing her. When the general manager told her not to discuss the matter with anyone but himself …