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HR Management

Be Specific With Drug and Alcohol Policy


Q. Our drug and alcohol policy states: “While on company premises and while conducting business for the company off premises, no employee may use, possess, distribute, sell or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.” It’s very clear how this applies at the work site. But some of our staff asked if this also applies to them when they travel or attend out-of-town seminars at hotels. Does our policy still hold up in this situation? —V.S., New Mexico

Don’t Allow Unlimited Sick Leave


Q. Our company gives eight hours of sick leave per month to nonexempt employees. We’ve been told that, under the FLSA, exempt employees are to be paid whenever they are sick. So our exempt employees have virtually an unlimited sick-leave balance. Is this a correct way to interpret the FLSA? Should we have some type of sick-leave accrual and tracking for our exempts? —D.H., Kentucky

Be upfront about pre-hire training needs

Does your company mandate training courses before a new hire starts? If so, let job candidates know about these requirements and whether they’ll be paid for the time. …

Don’t raise performance bar solely on workers taking FMLA

Talk about a multimillion-dollar mistake. In a case that could spell a trend as more baby boomers care for aging parents, an Illinois federal jury awarded $11.65 million to a hospital …

Rein in abusive managers: Even ‘Flip Wilson’ claim sways jury

You’d think that 12 jurors wouldn’t look kindly on an armed robber’s claim that job discrimination drove him to rob a convenience store with a sawed-off shotgun. But you would …

Job investigation won’t cause ‘mental distress.’

A New York bank investigated a worker over forged signatures on her expense reports. It eventually fired her and escorted her from the premises. She sued the bank, saying the …

Offer Letters Are OK If Crafted With Care


Q. Our company has typically sent formal offer letters to job candidates for certain positions. Could such letters legally bind us, and would we be smarter to avoid them? —S.T., Texas

What’s a ‘reasonable’ ADA accommodation? See new guide

Federal law says companies with 15 or more workers have to provide “reasonable accommodations” to disabled workers, unless it would cause the company “undue hardship.” Newly updated guidelines from the Equal …

Inconsistent hiring sinks your defense

Don’t leave the hiring and firing process up to your managers. Standardize your practices, and make sure everyone follows them. Giving any worker, especially a disabled one, the bum’s rush will …

You don’t have to police workplace banter, but don’t let it escalate

On the production floor, Lisa Ocheltree had to listen to conversations between male co-workers about their sexual exploits, which included vulgar language. The men showed …