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HR Management

Don’t make promises the company might not keep

Issue: Courts will make your company follow through on oral promises you make about benefits.
Risk: You or an ill-informed manager could inadvertently force your company to provide benefits it …

Don’t put too much stock in initial staff surveys

If you’ve just started surveying employees about job satisfaction and workplace improvements, the first surveys will show unusually low scores. That’s because employees have lots of pent-up negative comments if they’ve …

Establish a company policy on e-mail deletion, retention

In spite of growing scrutiny from courts and regulators, most employers still do a poor job of managing e-mail business records and preparing for the likelihood …

Blocking junk e-mail: 5 online resources

Unsolicited e-mail (“spam”) wastes employee time, slows your network and creates legal liabilities. Here are five resources to help you block it out: Spam calculator, www.cmsconnect.com/ marketing/spamcalc.htm, lets you calculate spam’s …

Keep data on employees’ race separate


Q. We have all new employees fill out a data sheet. Is it OK to ask for race on this form? —J.M., Nevada

You don’t need I-9 forms for pre-1986 hires


Q. We have a few employees who started working for us more than 20 years ago, before the I-9 rules took effect. I don’t have an I-9 on file for these folks. Should I? —S.I., New York

Pursue harassment claims, even if complaining worker backs off

You know to investigate harassment complaints when they land on your desk. But what if the complaining employee shows a lack of interest in her initial complaint, …

Multistate businesses: Standardize your policies and supervisor training

If your company has policies on job transfers or resignations (and it should), make sure they are clearly articulated and strictly followed by managers …

Stop FMLA moonlighters with strict ‘no moonlighting on leave’ policy

It seems crazy that your employees can use their allotted 12 weeks of annual job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to work at a second job. But …

Require staff to arbitrate disputes; court upholds ‘partially legal’ pact

Don’t be leery of requiring employees to sign mandatory arbitration agreements. As the following ruling shows, even if a court disagrees with part of your agreement, …