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HR Management

Which posters to post?


Q. We’ve received differing information on exactly what notices we’re legally supposed to post in our office. Where can I find a reliable listing? —W.I., New York

Expand benefits lineup at little cost with ‘voluntary’ perks

Issue: Benefit costs are rising, but you need to offer a competitive package to retain good workers.
Benefit: Voluntary benefits let you beef up your benefits without much additional cost. …

What’s in a (college’s) name? Sometimes, not much

More than 200 “diploma mills” operate online churning out phony degrees, often with very official-sounding college names. In fact, a survey by an AT&T corporate trainer revealed that HR professionals were …

Recruiting tool: Land on ‘Best Companies’ list

One way to crank up the quality of job candidates (and impress your CEO) is to earn your way onto a “Best companies to work for”-type list. The most recognized list …

Don’t sabotage former employees’ chances for future employment

The legal risks of providing references on ex-employees has caused some companies to put up a “No references” sign. That’s not a smart move. Eventually, refusing …

Prepare for changes in reporting
workers’ race on EEO-1 form

Expect more headaches (and questions from employees) when trying to complete your EEO-1 form next year. Reason: The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is proposing changes to the government form, …

How to close the door on invasion-of-privacy lawsuits

Most companies don’t spend a lot of time worrying about their employees’ privacy rights. But they should. Consider this: Privacy lawsuits jumped 300 percent …

Less chance of receiving ‘no match’ letter from SSA in 2003

Issue: Letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA) flushed out thousands of illegal aliens working in U.S. companies, creating chaos for HR departments …

‘Free speech’ no protection to workers

The next time an employee argues that he has a First Amendment right to say whatever he wants at work, wear a T-shirt with a controversial message or display …

Take extra anti-harassment steps with young staff

Warning: Courts may view especially young workers differently when it comes to the issue of harassment, affording them more leeway when they fail …