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HR Management

You can require mandatory overtime


Q. A new employee has just informed his supervisor that he can’t work any overtime. Can we legally fire this person? —G.M., Virginia

Dump strict English-only policy; EEOC cracks down

Issue: Requiring employees to speak English can be legally risky.
Risk: Overly broad or misguided policies can trigger a national-origin discrimination complaint …

Foster high-impact training on a low budget

Surprising fact: Although U.S. companies spend billions on formal training programs, as much as 70 percent of all workplace learning takes place informally on the job and during shift changes, says …

Save on legal fees; watch for 7 common billing errors

Issue: Invoices from outside attorneys can include expensive mistakes.
Risk: Lost money for the company, and lost credibility for you if someone else discovers the error …

Do interns have to be paid?


Q. We plan on hiring a college intern this year. Do we have to pay that person? —L.M., New York

Keep close eye on new hires; they’re more injury-prone

Hammer home safety rules to new hires before they start; don’t expect “on the job” experience to teach them the safety ropes. Reason: New employees have a greater likelihood of being …

Conduct exit interviews only if they’d be fruitful


Q. Is it wise to conduct exit interviews with all departing employees, even those who have been terminated on poor terms? —J.S., Georgia

Prepare for changes in reporting race on EEO-1 form

Issue: EEOC’s revamped EEO-1 form could add new burdens on your compliance paperwork.
Risk: You can be fined for “willful” noncompliance …

Study: Fair managers = healthy employees

Here’s a simple way to cut your health costs: Encourage managers to lower their voice and treat employees more fairly. Reason: Employees who work under bosses who are judged to be …

Pre-employment testing: Know the legal limits

THE LAW. Pre-employment tests are an effective tool to discover applicant’s skills or abilities that can’t be gleaned from an application or interview. And …