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HR Management

Defuse the 5 biggest telecommuter legal threats

Issue: Telecommuters pose unique legal risks, and courts are still figuring out what employers are liable for.
Risk: Complaints and lawsuits over workers’ comp, overtime, discrimination …

3 common FMLA mistakes … and how to avoid them

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave annually for the birth or adoption of a child, their own …

Focus on employee retention now; don’t wait for economic rebirth

HR professionals are gearing up for an expected wave of turnover as the job market recovers and workers split for better opportunities.
Fifty-six percent of HR pros say it’s extremely …

Flex your strategic muscle to avoid being ‘outsourced’

Issue: As outsourcing grows and gains popularity, you need to prove your value to the organization.
Benefit: Protect your job and build a reputation as a “big-picture” …

Stop ‘overcomplying’ with employment laws

Issue: Many small organizations waste time and money complying with employment laws that apply only to larger businesses.
Benefit: By knowing which laws you can ignore, you’ll trim your workload …

Prevent managers from interfering with employees’ ADA rights

You know that you can’t retaliate against employees who request accommodation under the Americans with Disabil-ities Act (ADA). But in addition to this anti-retaliation rule, the law includes a little-known “interference” …

Hear ‘Great idea, but …’ for the final time


The biggest mistake you can make in trying to sell your ideas is to pitch them to the management team as a group. It’s much more effective to influence their thinking one person at a time. Here’s how:

Too small for FMLA? Think again; you may be an ‘integrated employer’

If your company has fewer than 50 workers, yet is somehow linked to another employer or location, you may incorrectly believe that you don’t need to comply with …

Perform ‘spot check’ for offensive pictures, calendars

The EEOC recently slapped a Pennsylvania steel plant with a sexual harassment lawsuit. The alleged crime? It “condoned sexual harassment” by allowing some employees to post erotic pictures, posters and calendars …

Focus on 5 key qualities to add value to your organization

Issue: New research helps you focus on boosting HR’s standing within the organization.
Benefit: Improve your worth within the company and marketability …