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HR Management

Employees comparing pay? Don’t try to muzzle them

Issue: About a third of all organizations prohibit employees from discussing pay with one another. Risk: Such confidentiality policies likely violate …

Don’t discriminate against short people

A well-publicized study could raise skepticism (and, potentially, legal complaints) by short people about your pay practices. The study, to be published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, found that, in …

Don’t try to ‘explain away’ overtime errors

Counsel your managers to treat overtime complaints with respect, and avoid any cavalier statements or excuses about why someone hasn’t been paid overtime. Reason: You face big risks by making such …

Barefoot, pregnant … and in court; how one dumb remark turns the tide

Typically, employees need to show some pattern of discriminatory comments or behavior to carry a sex discrimination charge in court. But, as the following case proves, one stray remark that occurs …

Accommodate workers’ eating needs when it’s medically necessary

You must accommodate employees with disabilities. But what’s technically considered a “disability” under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? The law says it’s any physical or mental impairment that limits one …

Scrutinize true reasons for layoff; then banish all inconsistencies

No one likes to choose among employees for company-mandated layoffs. But if you’re given this task, research and recommend choices with defensible reasons that you can back up. Don’t manufacture termination …

Prevent new-hire no-shows

As the job market heats up, more applicants will accept jobs and then back out at the last minute, or simply fail to show up on Day 1. Midlevel sales, financial …

Employees can buy OTC drugs with pretax cash

The IRS recently announced that employees can pay for over-the-counter medicine (even aspirin) with pretax dollars through their company flexible spending account (FSA) or other pretax health care plans …

Spice up your holiday party, but contain costs

Does it fall on you to help organize the holiday party? If so, shake things up this year by changing the venue, possibly to a skating rink or a boat. Approach …

Not every government e-mail is public record

A Florida newspaper requested copies of all e-mails sent and received by two city workers. The city gave up only e-mail related to their government work. The newspaper sued to obtain …