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HR Management

When facing a bias lawsuit, avoid these three dumb defenses

Your organization can defend itself against race discrimination lawsuits in many ways, but a recent ruling illustrates how three excuses will flop in court …

Don’t punish staff for off-site political comments, but at work, it’s your call

As the calendar turns to an election year, here’s a good point to remind managers: Don’t retaliate against employees or applicants simply because of their off-duty political activities and comments …

New discrimination risk: Short versus tall applicants

A new, well-publicized study could raise skepticism, and potential legal complaints, by shorter employees about your pay practices.
Taller employees earn more money and promotional opportunities, says the University of …

Hidden risk: Do your staff committees violate labor law?

Consider these two scenarios:
1. At the suggestion of a project manager, your organization starts an employee committee to provide workers a voice in safety issues. Management and the safety …

Reverse age bias is rarely an issue with early retirees


Q. Are there any specific rules defining “early out” retirement packages offered to employees? Our company is planning to offer early outs. Our criteria mandate that an employee must have worked 15 years and be at least 50 years old. But we have employees who have worked as long as 28 years, but fail to meet the 50-year-old criterion. Is this age discrimination in a reverse sort of way? —T.G., Florida

Managers can sink you with ‘spiteful’ references

Issue: Court ruling makes it easier to win defamation suits stemming from poor job references. Risk: Thousands of dollars in defamation claims. Action: Limit the number of people authorized …

When must you pay people for working while on break?

Issue: Court ruling adds uncertainty to when you must pay hourly employees for work performed on their breaks. Risk: Liability for back and overtime pay. Action: Urge managers to …

Insurance: Steer clear of negligence claims

Make sure you keep your insurance payments up to date. If you let your policy lapse and an employee files a claim, you open up yourself …

Don’t mess with FMLA’s leave restrictions

Issue: Courts continue to ambush employers’ attempts to tighten leave-notification procedures. Risk: Following a policy that violates federal law. Action: Route employee-absence calls to one person (possibly you) who …

When does COBRA apply?


Q. Our business has 14 employees, and we pay 100 percent of their health insurance costs. One employee is out on workers’ comp. Are we required to continue paying his health insurance, or can we offer him COBRA? —P.F., Delaware